Flashback # 7 – “Wild World”

Back in August 2003, I was still in Chicago but I got my first look at where I would end up moving to the coming New Year’s Day. Thinking back, it may actually have been my second or third look, but it’s hard to remember accurately. All I knew was that all sorts of things were going on and life was a bit of a roller coaster.

Looking back now, I’m tempted to say that some of the unsettledness had a subliminal effect in my choosing Cat’s Steven’s “Wild World” as a new Easy Songs for Beginners lesson, but I suppose that could just be me making a typical use of hindsight.

Whatever the reason, or lack of reason, it still makes a good lesson!

Wild World -Easy Songs for Beginners #23

We’re going to hit the ground running here. This may be the most involved beginners’ song that we’ve done yet but don’t let that deter you! While the focus of this lesson is on switching chords smoothly, you’ll also learn some cool flourishes and riffs and strumming patterns and even find a good practical use for that pesky C major scale!