Former Midnight Oil singer named Australia’s environment minister

Peter Garrett

It’s kind of nice to know there is life after rock. Almost as nice as when rock stars can do something for the environment.

Australia’s Prime Minister-elect Kevin Rudd has named members of his new cabinet, and former Midnight Oil frontman Peter Garrett is to be Australia’s new environment minister. Okay, never mind that this is something of a demotion for Garrett, as someone else will be minister for climate change and water conservation. But if you ever followed the band you know that Garrett is extremely passionate about his beliefs. And it’s probably pretty cool to live in a country that appoints rock stars to cabinet positions.

In any case, climate change and global warming is one of those hot button issues that means environment ministers will be seen more and more in the public eye.

If some of my facts are wrong it’s because I got my news (via google) from the Canadian Press. here’s a short excerpt:

SYDNEY, Australia – Peter Garrett – the towering, baldheaded former singer of the disbanded Australian rock group Midnight Oil – continued his long, strange tour from pop star to politician Thursday when he was named Australia’s environment minister.

With his wild dancing and strident voice, Garrett was one of Australia’s most recognizable singers until his band broke up in 2002, after belting out politically charged hits for more than 25 years.

You can read the complete article here: Former Midnight Oil rocker Garrett named Australia’s environment minister