Introducing the Next Generation of Tablature!

We’ve always prided ourselves here at Guitar Noise for being a tutorial and educational website rather than just one of those many places on the Internet where you just get the tabs for songs, many of them wrong at that!

But maybe we should rethink that idea but we can’t help thinking that Guitar Noise would still be unique among websites that simply provided you with guitar tablature. Why? Because we’d never be satisfied with giving you only tab. We’d have to give you something more!

Suppose you were feeling negative about your guitar playing for some reason? That would mean you wouldn’t want to practice and you’d never get better. Talk about a vicious circle! Well, we could help you there with our patented (got to protect our copyrights, you know!) “Guitar Noise Anti-Tabs” like this one of our recent Scarborough Fair lesson:

White on Black Tab

Now we all know that we have many readers who come from countries where the written word is read from right to left. But you’ll never find music written that way, that is, not unless you come to Guitar Noise’s special “reverse tabs”

Backwards Tab

While some people enjoy tablature because it allows them to recreate the music just as it was recorded, there are also those who truly want to learn to improvise and create their own solos and songs. Fortunately, Guitar Noise has a special tablature just for them:

Improv Tab

And how about if you don’t play guitar? We probably get more emails from people asking if we know of any places just like Guitar Noise but only about pianos instead of guitar. Why look for them when you can get our exclusive “Guitar Noise Piano Tabs,” just like this one:

Piano Tab

Our GN Piano Tab is simplicity itself! This particular tab is for a standard sized, eighty-eight keyboard. The key on the farthest left of the board (also the lowest note) is labelled “1” while the highest note, located at the end of the right hand side is “88.” You simply find the correct key by counting up from the left (middle C is “40”) and play as it’s written. The left and right hands are divided out for you. And, just like guitar tab, you don’t have to be bothered by the nuisance of knowing the timing of notes. You just count, put your fingers down and play!

We also have Guitar Noise Piano Tabs available for smaller sized keyboards (76 and 64 keys) so please specify which you want to read.

And, finally, who else but Guitar Noise would care enough about washtub bass players to make sure they had their own special tablature as well:

Washtub Bass Tab

You’ve got to admit, even if Guitar Noise ever decided to be a “tab only” website like most of them out there on the Internet, we’d be in a class all by ourselves!
