Ellis Vance Mission: Initial Burn

This first release from Ellis Vance Mission is a great welcome for people who enjoy original music and are looking for something fresh and distinct.

A blend of various styles of music, from Crosby, Still & Nash to Pink Floyd, going by The Beatles, EVM play all over the board offering a never tedious, always surprising sound.

EVM will never let you down. The nice thing about this album is that you never know what to expect from one song to the next and the sound is always fresh and surprising. And always very good.

These are obviously seasoned musicians who know a thing or two about how music works and how to play it. Leave your standard techniques at the door and bring in your soul, ’cause this is what’s poured into the music.

Crossing the boundaries of known music, EVM do their own thing, in their own time. You have to respect that. And enjoy it immensely!

I definitely recommend this album to anyone who likes originality.