Rare Blend – Stops Along

Rare Blend is a very seasoned group from the Cleveland, Ohio area. They are what I would call a jazz/fusion jam band. I have heard a lot of mixed feelings about jam bands but when it sounds good you can’t deny that the players know what they are doing. Especially when they are not held to the standard blues progressions.

This CD is fairly high energy. The opening track Illegal Aliens pretty well sets the tone with it’s riffy bass groove. Vic Samalot provides plenty of guitar throughout and guitarists won’t be disappointed. There are two vocal tracks on the disc. Keyboardist, Bobbi Holt does a great job on Miles to Go. Her voice should be considered an asset. I think the only bad point I can make is that they don’t utilize this asset enough. Personally, I would have liked to hear her voice on a few more songs.

Ironically, I especially liked the tune, Off to Arizona (I live in AZ.) It had a feel reminiscent of early Acoustic Alchemy, which is among some of my favorite music to listen to. I also especially liked Destiny’s Eyes, a number that features the group’s bassist, Jeffery Scott on acoustic guitar. There are 3 studio improvs on the CD -plenty of nice stuff in each of them.

Finally, the CD concludes with Heading Home where Ms Holt graces us with her voice one more time with a message that I would have to agree with. We don’t need to keep up with the Joneses if it means running each other over. We can do a lot more for our neighbor and it might put a little more satisfaction in our own lives.

There’s some great musicianship on this disc and it’s from a group that has been playing out in one incarnation or another for 12 years so you know it has to be good. I hope they make it back thru Arizona so I can catch a live show.