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Bad news again, I'm...
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Bad news again, I'm afraid.

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Well, I was trying to open a bike lock from Wal Mart with a pocketknife, and I drove the top half-inch of the blade into the index finger of my fretting hand. :cry: The main tendon is cut, and I'm going in for surgery on Sunday. I will most defenitely recover all functionality, and I have been told to start playing again right after the surgery to aid physiotherapy.

Thanks for caring


Ewan McGregor: I said, "Eve, I want you to look after my wedding ring while I'm away," and she started to cry and I said, "Eve. Eve, I can't wear my ring or I won't get laid on the trip!"

Posted : 07/06/2007 11:31 pm
Posts: 10264
Illustrious Member

Sorry to hear that, Ethan. Take heart from the fact that last summer, I completely severed a tendon in the back of my hand and I've made almost a full recovery. The only slight problem I have is a reduction in hand strength, and a tendency to ache when I overdo the barre chords. If you missed it at the time....

I was also told after the op, playing guitar - after giving the tendon a chance to heal - was about the best therapy I could have. I was in plaster for about a month to immobilise the hand, then it took me about a month of struggling before I could play a barre chord.

All the very best for your recovery!

:D :D :D


PS If you don't already play, now might be a good time to start learning slide guitar......

"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

Posted : 07/06/2007 11:37 pm
Posts: 404
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Thanks for the response Vic.

I'm glad to hear you made a full recovery, and I hope I can do the same. :D


Ewan McGregor: I said, "Eve, I want you to look after my wedding ring while I'm away," and she started to cry and I said, "Eve. Eve, I can't wear my ring or I won't get laid on the trip!"

Posted : 08/06/2007 12:11 am
Posts: 1247
Noble Member

Hey Ethan.

I was just thinkin' about you yesterday.

I was gunna PM ya ta find out what you've been up to.

Guess I know now - Tryin' ta steal bikes from Wal-Mart :twisted:
(Next time, use small bolt cutters.... and keep your fingers clear!!!! :wink: )

Just kidding.

Hope everything turns out good for ya.

Keep me posted.


"The man who has begun to live more seriously within
begins to live more simply without"
-Ernest Hemingway

"A genuine individual is an outright nuisance in a factory"
-Orson Welles

Posted : 08/06/2007 12:34 am
Posts: 404
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Please. I'd never steal a Wal Mart bike. :twisted: I'm a bike purist, among other things. I was actually trying to get the lock out of the package, to lock my $800 Giant STP 2 up outside. I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for caring


Ewan McGregor: I said, "Eve, I want you to look after my wedding ring while I'm away," and she started to cry and I said, "Eve. Eve, I can't wear my ring or I won't get laid on the trip!"

Posted : 08/06/2007 12:43 am
Posts: 837
Prominent Member

That sucks. I hope you have a full recovery. :)

Posted : 08/06/2007 12:54 am
Posts: 4338
Famed Member

Most definitely best wishes for a speedy recovery! I broke 2 fingers on my fretting hand over the winter and it was really hard to not play for such a length of time, but I'm all better now! I can empathise with you! Best of luck with it!

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-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´ -:¦:- Elecktrablue -:¦:-

"Don't wanna ride no shootin' star. Just wanna play on the rhythm guitar." Emmylou Harris, "Rhythm Guitar" from "The Ballad of Sally Rose"

Posted : 08/06/2007 1:09 am
Posts: 7833
Illustrious Member

Ethan, thanks for clarifying how you did it before I made another smart alec remark about it. :lol:

I HATE those tightly sealed blister packs! I know they've got an awful problem with shoplifters, but they've just about made it impossible for the legitimate buyers to get their products out!

Back when I was an avid cyclist, I recall several cycling events hosting "Huffy tosses," where people would pay some small fee for a chance to see who could toss a cheap Huffy bike the farthest. I never went in for that sort of thing myself. I figure bikes and guitars are a lot alike; some are better than others for sure, but they've all got something to be said for them, and somebody'd be mighty glad to get that cheap one that somebody else is throwing off on for not being up to his high standards.

Hope you have a speedy recovery!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine."

Posted : 08/06/2007 1:32 am
Posts: 5044
Illustrious Member

Hope you have a speedy recovery Ethan.


"The only way I know that guarantees no mistakes is not to play and that's simply not an option". David Hodge

Posted : 08/06/2007 1:55 am
Posts: 2957
Famed Member

Have a speedy recovery Ethan

Ya just gotta be more careful young man

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

Posted : 08/06/2007 2:06 am
Posts: 2736
Famed Member

Get Well Soon, Ethan.

One month ago, I ran my right hand into the wall in hurry. And it still pains while bending it. I found stretching and exercising the hand can help a little. But don't overdo it ever.

Good Luck.


Posted : 08/06/2007 4:19 am
Posts: 3454
Famed Member

Hope you all get fixed up and back to guitar real quick Ethan.



Back when I was an avid cyclist, I recall several cycling events hosting "Huffy tosses," where people would pay some small fee for a chance to see who could toss a cheap Huffy bike the farthest. I never went in for that sort of thing myself. I figure bikes and guitars are a lot alike; some are better than others for sure, but they've all got something to be said for them, and somebody'd be mighty glad to get that cheap one that somebody else is throwing off on for not being up to his high standards.

Agreed. The worst case case of that I can remember is a few decades ago when the old parlour pianos went out of fashion (helped out the door by the arrival of TV). When I lived in the UK, it was common for a while to hold 'piano smashing contests' with races to see which team of local lads could smash one up the fastest into bits small enough to push through some kind of hole (often a toilet seat). Sacrilege.... :cry:

Posted : 08/06/2007 6:35 am
Posts: 554
Honorable Member

I wish you a speedy and full recovery.

Posted : 08/06/2007 11:14 am
Posts: 3636
Famed Member

I hope you regain your ability to perform all tasks you previously could do. Man, that's some scary stuff.

I know how it is with sharp objects. I work for a manufacturer and they highly concentrate on safety. I've been here 8 years and they don't issue scissors to anyone who hasn't got at least 10 years with the company. I get mine in two years. :D


"I play live as playing dead is harder than it sounds!"

Posted : 08/06/2007 11:53 am
Posts: 4113
Famed Member

Get well soon


Posted : 08/06/2007 12:30 pm
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