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I've been holding out

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Well, personal stuff is personal stuff ... but everyone here shares a lot. It is time to come clean. I don't want pity, just want to let you all know what is going on in the world of TR. Last April ...... 17th to be exact, I got a disturbing cell phone call. My son in law in Florida, a police officer took his own life. He shot himself in the head with his service weapon while watching my grandaughter and was there for my daughter to find when coming home from her job as a police officer as well. She was pregnant with his child. Zack was born on June 26th. He goes in for surgery tomorrow for pilorec stenosis. Not a big deal, but still, it is stressful for all involved. I will be down there this Saturday. I didn't say anything at first .... I don't know why cause you guys are my friends. It will be a happy time though and I plan to bore you with pictures just to warn you. Just send all your positive energies Zacks way please. ( That means prayer if you are religous) :lol: I will be with him soon. I will see to it h grows up to play the guitar. It is my duty.

"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard,
grow big, wear glasses if you need 'em."
-- The Webb Wilder Credo --

Posted : 20/07/2009 2:52 am
Posts: 2717
Famed Member

My condolences to you and your family, TR.
My thoughts and prayers will be with your daughter and your grandkids.

It's the rock that gives the stream its music . . . and the stream that gives the rock its roll.

Posted : 20/07/2009 4:03 am
Posts: 2736
Famed Member

May god help your family in this tough time.

My blessings for the kids... :)

Posted : 20/07/2009 4:40 am
Posts: 6348
Illustrious Member

sending you some strength for your journey.
all the best.

Posted : 20/07/2009 10:33 am
Posts: 1435
Noble Member

My condolences to you and your family. Zack is a good, strong name, my youngest is Zack. We'll be thinking about you and your family.

As someone who knows too well, make sure you have someone for your grandkids (and daughter) to talk to. My mom took her own life the same way when I was 18 and it's taken me years to deal with it. Guilt is a normal stage of the grief process, but those left behind by suicide often get stuck in that stage. I finally got some help a few years ago and have accepted that there wasn't anything I could have done to prevent it.

Bass player for Undercover

Posted : 20/07/2009 11:51 am
Posts: 7833
Illustrious Member

Oh, man!

I've just been praying for all of you. God bless you!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine."

Posted : 20/07/2009 12:28 pm
Posts: 3709
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Topic starter

Thanks everyone, your support means alot!

"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard,
grow big, wear glasses if you need 'em."
-- The Webb Wilder Credo --

Posted : 20/07/2009 1:04 pm
Posts: 1630
Noble Member

Yes, that's sad, tragic.

Praying that you all have the strength to go on - time and your intervention, plus hard work will make a difference.

Like a bird on the wire,
like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free.

Posted : 20/07/2009 1:09 pm
Posts: 5342

Suicide is hard to come to terms with. I hope you and your family can find something about which you can be happy at this difficult time.


"Be good at what you can do" - Fingerbanger"
I have always felt that it is better to do what is beautiful than what is 'right'" - Eliot Fisk
Wedding music and guitar lessons in Essex. Listen at:

Posted : 20/07/2009 1:29 pm
Posts: 5480
Illustrious Member

That's horrible news, TR. Sorry that happened. I hope everyone can carry on as well as possible. Wishing all the best for your family.

On the positive note, I can't wait to see the pics of you and the old coot. :D

"I wonder if a composer ever intentionally composed a piece that was physically impossible to play and stuck it away to be found years later after his death, knowing it would forever drive perfectionist musicians crazy." - George Carlin

Posted : 20/07/2009 2:35 pm
Posts: 1221
Noble Member

Have a safe trip, TR. My best to you and your family.


Posted : 20/07/2009 2:55 pm
Posts: 355
Reputable Member

Best wishes and POSITIVITY for Zack and the rest of your family!

Posted : 20/07/2009 4:17 pm
Posts: 5044
Illustrious Member

Sorry for your family's loss TR. Have a good trip, and I hope everything works out for the best.

"The only way I know that guarantees no mistakes is not to play and that's simply not an option". David Hodge

Posted : 20/07/2009 6:06 pm
Posts: 4338
Famed Member

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, TR!

..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ .·´
-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´ -:¦:- Elecktrablue -:¦:-

"Don't wanna ride no shootin' star. Just wanna play on the rhythm guitar." Emmylou Harris, "Rhythm Guitar" from "The Ballad of Sally Rose"

Posted : 20/07/2009 6:21 pm
Posts: 184
Estimable Member

Have a safe trip and best wishes & prayers for your family.

Posted : 20/07/2009 6:57 pm
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