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I received this in an email this morning from "":

Guitar Help for the Holidays
Improve your playing guaranteed with a proven system.

Monday, November 21, 2005


Paul Hackett here and as a member of the Guitar Noise newsletter I want to let you know about something really exciting in the guitar world.

If you are struggling getting the sound you want
on the guitar -- check this out...

If you want a fast way to learn to play your favorite songs
on the guitar -- check this out...

If you want to play chords a whole lot easier
on the guitar -- check this out...

If you want to play solos a whole lot better
on the guitar -- check this out...

Andrew Koblick (President of Amazing Guitar) has just completed the update of his extremely successful 'Amazing Guitar DVD' This is the one DVD that shows you precisely how to improve your guitar playing fast.

He's broken down into very easy to follow simple steps a program that will guide you to fast improvement.

His unique approach has already yielded fantastic results for thousands of guitar players.

Included in the Amazing Guitar DVD:

4 great ways to stretch your fingers before you start playing so you don't have to play for 30 minutes to warm up.

4 Picking exercises to make your picking fast and solid.

6 Scale exercises to help you learn and master scales quickly.

Much much more.

This easy to follow system has benefitted everyone from complete novices to old timers who have played 30 years or more.

Here are just a few of the thousands of testamonials he has received since the system was introduced 2 years ago:

Hi Andrew,

Two Thumbs up!
Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your Amazing guitar video. I've been doing the excercises for about 3 weeks now and the improvements I have seen in both my playing and my confidence is truly Amazing. Thanks a heap,
Simon Cahill. Melbourne, Australia.

Andrew, This series of exercises has been a real eye opener, never before have the basics of preparation been explained. It's only been a week, but my accuracy and speed has improved beyond my imagination. To be fair, I haven't been able to give the exercises my full attention, as my significant other half has been home sick for two weeks, and she doesn't think I need to practice, especially if she can hear it!! But now that I am able to concentrate, everything is falling into place. I can't wait for next week's Blues Jam to surprise everyone!!! Thanks
John Norman, Atlanta, GA

Greetings Andrew,
The video is wonderful. There is so much knowledge being given and the simplicity with which you've imparted it is very refreshing. Improvement happens very quickly. Nothing you teach is beyond the reach of anyone who sincerely wishes to get a push forward in their playing. I've found my lead playing has improved dramatically. This coming from an old "fingerpicker". Thanks for the emails and the knowledge.
Jim Longfellow, London, UK

Hi Andrew,
Please review my thoughts on your product:
"I have been a semi-professional musician for many years and some of my technique was always a bit wanting as I was self taught on bass and guitar. Ever since I have been using the Amazing Guitar Video program I have improved my technique, I can play faster, my fingering has been corrected and I am thinking more logically about solos and guitar methods in general. It also gave me a great reminder to never stop doing the basics. Thanks Andrew for a great product."

Bob Reinking, NSW - Australia

Hi Andrew
I bought your Amazing Guitar DVD and the Fretboard DVD too about two months ago and the results have been fantastic so far. My fingers are much stronger, my technique has improved all-round and
people are noticing the difference.
So I'd like to say thanks!
Norio De Sousa, Madrid -Spain

I do have to admit it. The DVD has some brilliant exercises which have done a lot for my technique and coordination. My ability to improvise is now way beyond anything I ever imagined. The DVD is the best guitar tutor I ever had. Thanks.
Jeff Cornfield, Los Angeles, CA

To celebrate the launch of the brand new update Andrew has agreed to offer my subscribers a special deal for the first 250 lucky guitarists who respond.

He is also going to include his equally praised guitar lesson book

"The Ultimate Fretboard Guide"

"The Ultimate Fretboard Guide" has helped improve
guitar players in over 40 countries around the world - A $15 value

He will also be your coach for 7 days. He will send you instructions daily to keep you motivated and share his insights to make sure you get the most out of this truly amazing guitar package.

To reward GuitarNoise Members for supporting Amazing Guitar for the last 2 years (including two hurricanes that knocked his site out.) Andrew is including these special additional bonuses only available to GuitarNoise subscribers:

Extra Bonus #1 - 101 Midi Drum Tracks: Now you have a drummer ready whenever needed. Blues, Rock, Jazz, Funk, Country, Reggae or Pop all in perfect time to help you practice along with or even build song's for your recordings. This alone is a $15 value.

Extra Bonus # 2 - A CD-Rom with 25 Tabs and Backing Tracks. Learn the song using the Tab and then Play along with the Backing tracks. This may be the most important practice tool of all. Imagine knowing 25 songs note for note. Just imagine how much this bonus would cost if you hired a guitar teacher to teach you 25 songs.

And if this wasn't already the worlds biggest no brainer in history...

"The Everly Music Company" one of Amazing Guitar's sponsors will include a set of strings of your choice. Just let Andrew know if you want Electric or Acoustic strings.
These Everly guitar strings are one of the finest strings you can buy.
Tom Petty swears by them. Yet another $6.00 value added to this fantastic package.

As a side note: Just like the original DVD Andrew also includes 30 days of one on one support. That's right send him an email day or night and you get an answer in less than 24 hours sometimes immediately. Ask Andrew about equipment or theory and you will get an honest answer. As a side note: Just like the original DVD Andrew also includes 30 days of one on one support. That's right send him an email day or night and you get an answer in less than 24 hours sometimes immediately. Ask Andrew about equipment or theory and you will get an honest answer. No wonder I keep getting emails he sends at 1 a.m.

I don't know of anyone more committed to guitar improvement than Andrew Koblick.

To find out more -- go to:

Click here for Amazing Guitar

Remember. Andrew will only release 250 copies to my subscribers. Once he's reached that target, this offer will be pulled down and prices will increase. So get in quick before it's too late.

To your guitar success,

Paul Hackett

P.S. Dont miss this early christmas bonanza! Check out the Amazing Guitar DVD now

Now why would GN want to start sending out spam? One of the great things about this site is that it doesn't! I don't know, maybe I'm the only one who hates spam? BTW, I purchased the "Amazing Guitar" DVD about 1 1/2 years ago, and found it to be far less than "amazing", and my inbox was flooded with spam from Mr. Koblick. "AMAZING"! Please GN, don't fall into the same practices of the less reputable guitar sites.

"The only way I know that guarantees no mistakes is not to play and that's simply not an option". David Hodge

Posted : 21/11/2005 12:04 pm
Posts: 8184
Illustrious Member

I'm pretty sure, you'll probably get a response to the effect of:

"You could sponsor the forums. I could replace the spam with useful information for a monthly fee. Otherwise the site needs that money for the time being."

Maybe not those exact words, but close... :lol:

Posted : 21/11/2005 12:22 pm
Posts: 2849
Famed Member

I hate spam myself but that is only the 1st or 2nd none newsletter e-mail I have received from GN since I signed up for the newsletter.

I don't mind since a) is it guitar related b) it is from a known source and c) If it makes GN money I am happy.

Nils' Page - Guitar Information and other Stuff
DMusic Samples

Posted : 21/11/2005 1:11 pm
Posts: 5381
Illustrious Member

can't you create a rule in your inbox for email from that address?

Posted : 21/11/2005 1:21 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member Admin

This is one of the special offers mentioned on the newsletter details page:

It is a special offer because Andrew is giving away the midi tracks, cd-rom and a free set of strings. Also, if you sign-up for his newsletter before the end of this month you will have a chance to win a Fender guitar. A lot of guitarists may benefit from this information.

You can unsubscribe to the GN newsletter anytime, and you won't be bothered ever again.

Spam does suck. I use my best judgement when it comes to choosing special offers. It only takes one second to delete this one email if it doesn't interest you. The money is needed to keep GN online and free. If you can find a better free guitar site out there, I'd like to see it.

Guitar Noises Newsletter

Posted : 21/11/2005 1:21 pm
Posts: 2849
Famed Member

Paul. See my note above. I just want to make sure you know I understand and was not complaining.

Nils' Page - Guitar Information and other Stuff
DMusic Samples

Posted : 21/11/2005 1:35 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member Admin

I saw it, Nils. I was probably typing at the same time as you. I have thick skin and can handle any complaints. I hope everyone finds their own path of least resistance to these emails. Read it, delete it, complain about it. Whatever works best for you.

And yes, I think I could cease and desist the special offers for a monthly fee.

Guitar Noises Newsletter

Posted : 21/11/2005 1:40 pm
Posts: 2801
Famed Member

I dont have a complain, but I think the fear is that once you see one spam then you expect more to start coming. Not because GN has done this but because it is the case in just about every other site you visit.

My first reaction was the same as the original posters. OMG I hope I dont get alot of spam.. But my second reaction was more like Nils and I understand that its a now and then thing.. needed, and if it keep GN up then it makes me happy.

Thats my two copper

“The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn” - David Russell (Scottish classical Guitarist. b.1942)

Posted : 21/11/2005 3:29 pm
Posts: 2811
Famed Member

Geoo, instead of giving your copper to a "thread" or "post" why not give it to a more needy cause. :lol:

Posted : 21/11/2005 11:04 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member Admin

That's true. A lot of people have made the assumption that because they see one email like this, that we have sold all your email addresses and you will be bombarded with junk for the rest of your lives. That's not the case. Your email address is safely guarded and not for sale.

Guitar Noises Newsletter

Posted : 21/11/2005 11:27 pm
Posts: 212
Estimable Member

I used to work for a financial web site that faced many of these same decisions. I can empathize with Paul and David as there is no easy answer or easy way out. This site needs funds to survive. I have no problem with GN using its' email list - on an opt-in basis - for commercial gain. Just be plain and out front about it. I will gladly put up with weekly or twice weekly commercial email about guitars or music topics to help support this site.

My only caution is this - be careful when giving out your endorsement. You will get both the good and the bad brand rub off from the endorsed product - a product and experience which you have no control over. Personally, I think you're better off just taking the money and forgetting the endorsement.

In this particular case, I had the same experience / opinion as the original post. I tried Andrew's product at my own risk and was completely underwhelmed. That didn't bother me as much as the twice weekly self promoting, cross-selling spam that hit my in-box after my purchase. Had I made the purchase based on your email, I might have been upset at GN as well.

Clicking on a banner ad or a sponsorship link in a newsletter is very different than giving your personal endorsement in an email.

Anyhow, that's my $.02 based on my experience with the exact issues you're facing. You're bound to stumble along the way, but, FWIW you'll have my support through it all.


Posted : 22/11/2005 2:35 am
Posts: 218
Reputable Member

I rather enjoyed getting that email. And I don't think it's spam. You sign up for it when you sign up for to forum. Spam is unsolicated emails which this is not. Spam is that stuff I get from that Nigerian gentleman who wants to give me a million dollars and all I have to do is to give him my account information. Spam is all those nice folks who want to sell me viagra because they are really concerned about my sex life. Spam is obnoxious, insulting, obscene and badly spelled tripe which is often times trying to get you to visit a website which will infect your computer with a virus or otherwise try to rip you off. A newsletter and information from a sponsor at isn't spam. And at any rate, you can set your filters to put it in the spam file if you object to it. Really not a big thing, or even a thing.

Enjoy your karma, after all you earned it.

Posted : 22/11/2005 3:08 am
Posts: 794
Prominent Member Admin

Here's the problem I have with endorsements. I personally believe that GN is already the best guitar lesson website. Sure, I am biased on this point. But what it means is that anytime we advertise or endorse something, there's a part of me that says this still isn't as good as what we are giving away.

Most internet purchases are impulse buys. And there is a whole crowd of guitarists that want to spend a bit of money. I think some amateur musicians believe if they spend $30 they will be motivated to work harder. My marketing strategy is to go after these two groups of people. If I don't, it's like leaving money on the table and somebody else will come along and try to take it.

SteveS, thanks for your good points. Giving out endorsements is a delicate matter. In this case, I've known Andrew for 2 years (as well as you can know someone online). I find him honest, hardworking and trustworthy. This month's endorsement was something we worked out together and put a lot of thought into. I said there's no way I can cut and paste an affiliate email that goes out to any website. So we came up with something special only for GN subscribers.

Not every special offer is going to appeal to everybody. Fortunately, Andrew does have a money back guarantee. If you don't agree with my estimation of Amazing Guitar's worth, you can get your money back.

Thanks to everyone for their comments and input. I do listen and take your opinions into account. It seems like everytime you guys are caught off guard someone will get upset. And that does matter to me. But on the bright side of things, if I was running this website like a real business, you probably would have started paying to use this site about 4 years ago.

Guitar Noises Newsletter

Posted : 22/11/2005 5:38 am
Posts: 5044
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

I'm sorry I started this post. I saw this forum labeled "Your Suggestions For Guitar Noise", that says: "A space for you to offer suggestions for improvements or lessons you would like to see on Guitar Noise.", and I thought that is what GN was looking for,
"Suggestions". This comment from Paul tells me otherwise: You can unsubscribe to the GN newsletter anytime, and you won't be bothered ever again.

Yes, I can do that. I don't want to though. I was "offering suggestions for improvements", that's all. I expected the comments about the needed revenue, and maybe an explanation as to why "Amazing Guitar" was chosen, but I didn't expect to basically be told to "like it or leave". I do believe that GN is the best guitar website on the net. I was trying to suggest as SteveS put it: My only caution is this - be careful when giving out your endorsement. You will get both the good and the bad brand rub off from the endorsed product - a product and experience which you have no control over.
I personally didn't have a good experience with this product, and his practices, and didn't understand why it was being hawked by GN. (again, product rub) Now I probably would have reacted differently if you had been offering a special buy for Little Brother's lessons, or even Planetalk's lessons. They are AMAZING. I was suggesting it be kept to the news letter, not spam, because maybe, before you know it, your sending out "special offers" 2-3 times a week. I just didn't want to see that happen here. Agian though, I wasn't complaining, I was making a suggestion.

"The only way I know that guarantees no mistakes is not to play and that's simply not an option". David Hodge

Posted : 22/11/2005 11:18 am
Posts: 8184
Illustrious Member

Now I probably would have reacted differently if you had been offering a special buy for Little Brother's lessons, or even Planetalk's lessons.

Yeah! Those are the people that you want to become friends with! And don't forget about Noteboat...

Posted : 22/11/2005 2:41 pm
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