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Cattle Call for Beginner Guitarists

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Here's something more specific, if it helps anybody:

C Maj pentatonic

Box 2 [root (C notes) bolded]
low E string: frets 8 & 10
A string: frets 7 & 10
D string: frets 7 & 10
G string: frets 7 & 9
B string: frets 8 & 10
high e string: frets 8 & 10

Box 4 [root (C notes) bolded]
low E string: frets 12 & 15
A string: frets 12 & 15
D string: frets 12 & 14
G string: frets 12 & 14
B string: frets 13 & 15
high e string: frets 12 & 15

Someone please correct me if I've made an error here.

Hope this helps.


When my mind is free, you know a melody can move me
And when I'm feelin' blue, the guitar's comin' through to soothe me ~

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Posts: 49

There's nothing really all that mystical about "relative minors" is there?

Here's the pattern for major scales:

T T S T T T S (Tone , Tone , Semitone etc.)

Sometimes written as:

W W H W W W H (Whole step, Whole step, half step, etc.)

Here's the pattern for minor scales:


Does that look slightly familiar? It should do - it's the same order, it just starts at a different point.

Ok, I'm new here, but I have to agree with ChisC on this. The key to a lot of this is understanding intervals rather than trying to memorize notes. The Amin scale has the same notes as the Cmajor scale, and yes, that is the whole idea behind relative minors. I works in every key. LEARN THE INTERVALS, the intervals will set you free.

In any case, there is a very good article on "Modal pentatonics" here: . It may be a little off subject, but might help a little.

To confuse you even more (since someone mentioned modes...)
There are 7 modes for each scale.
Each mode uses same notes as the related Major scale, but the modal scale is named for the root note, or anchor note. The Ionian scale is the most recognisable of the modes. (Do, Rey, Me, etc...)

Using the Cmajor scale as an example:
Key of C Ionian = T T S T T T S or C,D,E,F,G,A,B
Key of D Dorian = T S T T T S T or D,E,F,G,A,B,C
Key of E Phrygian = S T T T S T T or E,F,G,A,B,C,D
Key of F Lydian = T T T S T T S or F,G,A,B,C,D,E
Key of G Mixolydian = T T S T T S T or G,A,B,C,D,E,F
Key of A Aeolian = T S T T S T T or A,B,C,D,E,F,G
Key of B Locrian = S T T S T T T or B,C,D,E,F,G,A

If this doesn't makes sense to you, I apologise.

It ain't what you play man, its how you play it.

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