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Dislocated Finger!!...
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Dislocated Finger!!!!

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This is my first post so, Hi everyone!
Im writing because I have a unique problem. I am left handed and am in the process of learning to play the guitar. I am using a right handed guitar. Most poeple tell me as long as it fells comfortable I sould have no problem mastering it. Well, no more problem than anyone else. However, The little finger on my left hand was dislocated a few years ago and it caused the tendon to slip off the knuckle. It is still usable although not as strong as the one on my right hand. and I am unable to hold it straight out anymore. It forms a kind of a slope. Kind of like how you would imagine and English gent to hold his pinky during tea time with the queen... Am I wasting my time trying to learn to play, should I switch to a left handed guitar. What are your opinions. How important is that finger anyway.

Thanks to everyone who responds.

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Your pinky will be important for playing. If it hurts you, take time off... but, if it keeps hurting might want to try a different method...i.e. right handed.

As far as a left-handed guitar goes.... Hendrix used some right-handed guitars and he was left-handed. So did Kurt Cobain.

You never know, your dislocation might give you more reach on the fretboard! I think it has helped me.

And for the record, in my earlier days, I have either broken or dislocated 9 out of my 10 fingers twice!
