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My Amplifier

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Eminent Member
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I bought a used amp. It is a Fender Chorus. It seems to be pretty good but I don't know what I'm really doing. I started off acoustic and now I'm electric. Is there a comprehensive place I can go to learn what all the controls do? Treble bass delay reverb etc. I've fooled around with it some but I thought there might be some good advice out there. Any help is appreciated.

Noble Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 2337

What sound are you looking to get out of it? Your right about just adjust it different ways to see what you like and don't like. Hint: Write down any setting you come across you like, it will save you trying to remember them later on. A good starting point is to set the eq (treble, Mid, bass) to their 12:00 oclock position and start from their. Presence is a an adjust for effect. For the chorus and reverb thats more adjusting to flavor or what you like it to sound like. Which maybe different from what I use. If you looking get some sustain or distortion, set the gain or preamp volume to around 8 and the master volume anywhere from 0 to 2 1/2.

Generally with a 2 channel amp you set the 1st channel for clean tone and the 2nd channel for the lead or distortion.

Hope this helped.


Eminent Member
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Thanks I will give that a try.

Noble Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 2337

Your Welcome.

When you decide to expand include an Equalizer pedal. it will give you a thicker tone and allow for more control.


Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 7833

The best way to learn what all the controls do is to turn 'em, one at a time, and play!

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