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Ok i suck

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Estimable Member
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Posts: 111

Three things
1. Practice and get your fingers toughend up. You'll get there sooner than you think

2. Don't worry about it.

3. Have fun!

I may be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride. (Jerry Garcea)

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Posts: 36

This post will probably be really dumb so might as well not even read it oh well here goes.
I was reading the previos posts and i thought to myself (most of this derives from Wes Inmans post where he said guitar can mess with your mind), this is an insight to the human phsyche (i cant spell). Your mind tricks u into thinkin that u suck when your actually doing pretty good so that you will practice and become even better. Well thats it pretty lame eh? Oh well time reading could have been practicing.

Noble Member
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^you sound like you got a phd in phycology at a really crappy college. :lol:

Stairway to Freebird!

Reputable Member
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In a strange way, this is a very reassuring thread. Knowing that most everyone feels they suck from time to time makes me feel better about feeling the same way.

And Elektrablue is right - eventually the chord changes become second nature, without even realizing it. A couple of weeks ago I was playing a song with lots of F chords in it. Barre chords have been my nemesis, but about halfway through I realized I was nailing them without slowing down or even thinking about them. I thought to myself, when the heck did I learn to do that? No idea. It just happens.

Blame it on the lies that killed us, blame it on the truth that ran us down.

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I seem to always have a sort of distain with my playing. But that just pisses me off enough to keep going and show myself that I don't suck.... Much...


Illustrious Member
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Maybe you are on to something. But no, sometimes we really suck! :D

Many people want to get good on guitar quick. When they can't play like their favorite guitarist in a short time they get discouraged and quit. The funny thing is, is that it may have taken their guitar hero many, many years of very disciplined practice to get to that level of playing.

I read an interview of Yngwee Malmsteen once. He said people were amazed that he was so good after just 3 or 4 years of playing. Then he said what most people didn't realize is that he practiced 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is all he did. That is why he is so good.

I promise you he got discouraged many times. It is normal. Sometimes you have a bad day and it's good to just put your guitar down and do something else for awhile. Pick it up a few hours later or the next day.
You can not let a little discouragement stop you if you want to be a good player.

But be realistic as well and realize that it is a long journey. It is not something that happens overnight.

If you know something better than Rock and Roll, I'd like to hear it - Jerry Lee Lewis

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Posts: 63

Nobody picks up an instument and gets good overnight....NOBODY!

Not even Mozart, contrary to the stories that are told to us as kids.

You start off with no ability. The only thing that carries you along and through the difficult early stage is desire - you have to want to play, and you have to want it bad enough to be able to put up with all the frustration and heartache that has been and is surely yet to come.

You can't taste the highs without first experiencing the lows (and the long periods of creamy middleness).

Estimable Member
Joined: 22 years ago
Posts: 178

Keep at it. If you really want to play keep practicing. Everything everyone does is all about practicing. I sucked big time when I first picked up the guitar, major suckage, suckage to the tenth power, and compared to my friends and many people here on the GN forums I still suck, but I suck no where near as bad as when I first picked up the guitar. If i practiced with any more consistancy than I do now (like more than once every couple of months) I'd probably suck a whole lot less even. But it's important to set an atainable goal and keep working at it. Before you know it you'll find yourself changing chords and even playing some simple solo licks. Might want to consider getting a teacher for just a bit to learn some basics and avoid picking up some bad habits. It's more important that you keep doing it because you love it. Try finding some simple songs to play to keep your interest up, even if it's just picking the notes to Mary Had a Little Lamb. One day you'll be playing the Stevie Ray Vaghn version of the song and you'll wonder how you ever that bad at playing the guitar when you first started. So...what are you sitting around for...go practice your chords!


"I use heavy strings, tune low, play hard and floor it. Floor it, that's a technical term." - SRV

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