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OK, I just inherited a stash of electric pedals…. I have a pedal board I'm designing/building to accommodate them…. and want to know what the best way to arrange these effects in series would be (I know the best answer is to try different arrangements,…. but I have no clue where to even start as I am completely an acoustic guy)

-I have an old American Strat and a mex. Tele....
-I don't have an amp yet but I am leaning towards a Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue.
-I play stuff similar to John Mayer, U2, David Crowder…….

Let me know your thoughts on ARANGEMENT as I can't wait to dive in and play with these, but I have no clue about electric guitar stuff (also is there any additional effect you would say is a major gap that I should look at getting long-term?)

Thanks so much! Keith

This is the EFFECT BOX STASH, and my initial series ordering of them.

-AB Switch box
-Boss Tuner TU-2
-Morely Volume Pedal (little allegator)
-Dunlop CryBaby
-MXR phase 100
-Line6 DL4
-Radial Tonebone Trimode (2 channel tube distortion pedal with lots of control on eq and such)
-Boss Blues Driver (BD-2)
-Boss Tremelo (TR-2)
-Line6 FM4
-Line6 AM4

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 5349

Welcome to GN, and my condolances on the loss of whomever you inherited the stuff from.

Don't forget that everything we'll say is merely a suggestion, once you're comfortable with these pedals could experiment with them. Also, you might want to start with a smaller chain and slowly add the rest. My full chain would probably be something like:

Tu2->Volume pedal->AM4->COMP->DL4->CryBaby->Tonebone->BD2->Phase100->TR2->FM4

And I'd say that this is a fairly complete rig. Ofcourse you need an amp and a guitar (that amp would be a great choice, the guitar you own is great as well) but I don't think you'll be in need of more effects for a while. The A/B switch depends on what you're doing, for example whether you want to use two amps (put it at the end) or two guitars (put it in the beginning).

Hope this helps. :)
