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do the type of strings you have make a big difference in sound quality? I'm asking because I have nylon strings on my guitar and it sounds like crap when I strum. Picking sounds fine, but strumming doesn't. I always thought it sounded fine but after playing on the guitars in my class (they have steel strings) I've noticed this. I sound like such a better guitar player at school.. hah.

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Do you have a classical guitar? It sounds like you do.

I don't know if you can put steel strings on a classical and visa versa with an acoustic (nylon on acoustic). Doesn't the nylon string have a loop on it instead of a ball?

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Putting steel strings on a classical would not be a smart idea. Steel strings put a lot more pressure onthe guitar and would end up breaking a classical guitar, but you can put nylon strings on a reuglar steel string acoustic may not sound as good as a classical one it still works though.

Illustrious Member
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A set of six steel strings puts well over 300 pounds of tension on the guitar. A set of nylon strings, about 160.

Classical guitars are built with thin tops and light bracing. Put steel strings on and you'll rip the bridge off, and possibly a big chunk of the top.

If you put nylon strings on a guitar built for steel you'll need a truss rod adjustment - the neck relief will be way off for the light tension.

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Illustrious Member
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Nylon and steel strings sound way different. It could be your classical guitar is very mediocre, or you just prefer the sound of steel string guitars. Get yourself to a local shop and play some good classical and western guitars and see which you like best.

Illustrious Member
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and too follow up on Noteboat's post, the Nylon string tension won't be enough to drive the top properly.
