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I'm looking into starting to play the guitar. I have about no experience whatsoever (exept for the beginners lesson here). I know for sure I want to really get into guitar. So I'm on the lookout for some. I've made up my mind to start on an acoustic (great for picking up the chicks), but I was amazed at how many different aspects you need to take into account when buying a guitar. I know it is a difficult task to pick a guitar for someone you don't know, but if you know of any good ones (not guitars that'll make me look like a loser) please let me know. And the cheaper you can go, the happier you'll make me.

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The only advice I can give you is to go to the music stores in your area and play all the guitars you can get your hands on. Even ones you can't afford. Buy one that you like the feel and sound of. Spend as much as you can afford and get a solid top. Most people on this site will not tell what type to buy because it's so personal.

I can look back with a smile, knowing that my ambition far exceeded my talent.

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And to add to that

Take a friend that has been playing for a few years to the stores with you. It is difficult to hear subleties when your a begginer but relatively easy later, and it is hard to tell what sounds good when you cant play at all.

Good luck



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cowman 196.

I understand where you're coming from. You want to look cool, and hopefully sound cool at the same time!! Not easy....

Anyway to put my two cents worth in, the guys are right, go to a music store, but don't let your instinct to save a buck overpower you. At the bottom end, you do really get what you pay for. If you want to PLAY GUITAR and not just pull chicks, then try and pick something up that will allow you to do that. Do a bit of research. Maybe post a thread on here "suggestions for a guitar under $200 please, for a beginner" or whatever. But ultimately, its down to you to choose one.

Whatever you do, if you are serious look for -

* A solid top (not laminated) - in other words the piece of wood that is the "face" of the main body of the guitar should be one piace of wood.
* A low action - make sure the guitar is "set up" (if you don't know what that means, put it in the search on this site) correctly. The strings should be close to the frets, but not so close they buzz if you pluck an unfretted string.
* A straight neck!
* Support from the shop - specifically help when choosing, and the offer of advice in the future. Any shop that treats you like a wallet, beware of.

I wish you all the best!


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Posts: 38

I agree with going to play many different guitars. When I started a few years ago I just walked into a store and bought one without knowing anything. It is an Ephiphone with a narrow/thin neck and I find the smaller neck difficult to handle at times. Now I'm GAS'ing.
