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Brand New Easy Song Database

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So, Elecktrablue when are you going to give us assignments to help you :?:

Since you haven't played much of the trivia lately I guess you have been working feverishly on the database.. Hope your having fun.

Nils' Page - Guitar Information and other Stuff
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So, Elecktrablue when are you going to give us assignments to help you :?:

Since you haven't played much of the trivia lately I guess you have been working feverishly on the database.. Hope your having fun.

Now I feel guilty! :cry:

I've actually been down in Mexico Christmas shopping and partying! :D The database never entered my mind until this morning! LOL! But, yeah, I DID have fun! LOL! My sister and I and another woman decided that we needed to get away, so we loaded up my sister's van and drove south to Nuevo Laredo. We crossed the border three times in one day! (I guess technically that's six since we had to cross back each time!) :D Got back to my house at about 2:30 this morning. I was so worn out I actually slept until 11:30! I know........ lazy, lazy, lazy!!!

Let me clear out my brain a bit (it's really foggy today! Can't imagine why!! Think it could possibly be the fact that they ply you Margaritas while you're shopping in the Mercado's?) Personally, I think they just saw three Gringa's and figured that if they got us drunk we'd spend all our money........ and we did!

Anyway, as soon as I can properly think, I'll PM you again with what needs doing! (I'm also hosting the Texas GuitarNoise seminar/party in Feb. and have been making plans for that! TwistedFingers is coming from Illinois and Nick from D.C., Vic and Pet are coming from England - you ought to come if you can get away.... it's Feb. 19 (a Saturday) and there will be quite a few GNer's there. My band is playing and so is MarvelousOptimist's band and there will be lots of jamming, partying, eating, etc.... possibly even a little seminaring! :D Think about it! )

..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ .·´
-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´ -:¦:- Elecktrablue -:¦:-

"Don't wanna ride no shootin' star. Just wanna play on the rhythm guitar." Emmylou Harris, "Rhythm Guitar" from "The Ballad of Sally Rose"

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Whatever happened to the easy songs site?

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has this idea now expired ?

just wondering

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

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This is a great idea...I am assuming you are using PHP and SQL to power the database? If so this can be a GREAT project once finished.

O agree with everyone else's suggestions so far...the user submission is great as well as being searchable be easy, intermediate or advanced. Genre would also be great as well as seasonal (ie. Christmas, Patriotic, etc). One suggestion I have is an entry for the auther to put a sound clip. Many people may know the song but not have access to the album. The author or the "tab" could do a short recording of strumming pattern, tempo, etc...

Also if you need help designing it I have some experience with web design and a little with PHP.

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ElectraBlue was working on this but some changes in her life forced her to be away for awhile. I am not sure if anyone has picked up the effort.

Nils' Page - Guitar Information and other Stuff
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ElectraBlue was working on this but some changes in her life forced her to be away for awhile. I am not sure if anyone has picked up the effort.

Thanks nils...I didn't even think to look at the dates...I feel bad now...

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...I feel bad now...

No need to. I think it was discussed in a different thread. I still think it is a good idea to create this DB and I am glad it came back up.

Nils' Page - Guitar Information and other Stuff
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ElectraBlue was working on this but some changes in her life forced her to be away for awhile. I am not sure if anyone has picked up the effort.
I had been working on it with EB and am still planning on completing it. For the moment, however, a house move is taking up my time.

mikespe: Yes, it will be written in PHP and powered by MySQL. If I need any design help, I'll certainly keep you in mind.

-- John

"Hip woman walking on a moving floor, tripping on the escalator.
There's a man in the line and she's blowin' his mind, thinking that he's already made her."

'Coming into Los Angeles' - Arlo Guthrie

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Cool. I knew someone was working with her but for the life of me I could not remember who. Sorry for forgetting.

If you need any help with data entry etc. let me know.

Nils' Page - Guitar Information and other Stuff
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I just remembered something. I had suggested to EB that everyone who is still active on the forum could be called upon to reenter their posting(s) in the ES forum into the ESD.

Nils' Page - Guitar Information and other Stuff
DMusic Samples

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Thanks Nils, I'll keep it in mind.

-- John

"Hip woman walking on a moving floor, tripping on the escalator.
There's a man in the line and she's blowin' his mind, thinking that he's already made her."

'Coming into Los Angeles' - Arlo Guthrie

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I just remembered something. I had suggested to EB that everyone who is still active on the forum could be called upon to reenter their posting(s) in the ES forum into the ESD.

Does this mean we had all better save our postings Nils ?

Be excellent to each other & party on dudes!

Famed Member
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Posts: 2849

I just remembered something. I had suggested to EB that everyone who is still active on the forum could be called upon to reenter their posting(s) in the ES forum into the ESD.

Does this mean we had all better save our postings Nils ?
Sort of. Basically I thought we could just cut and paste the ones we have on the ES forum into the new database. And for those that the people are not around for anymore we could do those for them. This way the burden is not on one person to move it all.

Nils' Page - Guitar Information and other Stuff
DMusic Samples

Honorable Member
Joined: 20 years ago
Posts: 533

It's not that you shouldn't save your postings, but at this point don't put a lot of effort into it.

I have some features for the new ESD that make the existing format incompatible. I haven't worked out a conversion strategy yet.

-- John

"Hip woman walking on a moving floor, tripping on the escalator.
There's a man in the line and she's blowin' his mind, thinking that he's already made her."

'Coming into Los Angeles' - Arlo Guthrie

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