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Awful Sounds from Amp- Help!!!

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Hello All-

I just recently purchased two effects pedals for my amp, a boss distortion pedal and electro harmonix holy stain multi effects pedal.

I purchased a patch cable and additional monster cable to hook everything up together, however when i started playing my guitar through these pedals, I noticed that:

1) The holy stain pedal made an almost unbearable high pitched "shrieking" sound accompanied by loud hissing

2) When both effects were turned on at the same time,there was an even louder amplified hissing and shrieking sound, which all but covered up my guitar

I play out of a small orange crush amp, but i tried the pedals out on a friend's louder (and nicer) amp, with the same effects.

What could be causing these problems? These are my first pedals; i had read that most add a layer of hissing that can be cancelled out with a noise reduction pedal, but as for the loud high pitched noise coming from the holystain, is there anything I can change about my set up that would eliminate this problem?

Thanks in advance

Illustrious Member
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I have a couple of pedals (Danelectro) that suffer from peculiar noises when the battery is dying. Try a new battery in your EH pedal.

Another thought is that you may have the EH turned up too high. It seems to have 3 knobs to affect the volume of sound (mix, amount & volume). Turn them all down to 1 and see what effect that has. Turn them up incrementally.

By the way, I get awful sounds out of my amp. but that's just my playing.........

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Noble Member
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By the way, I get awful sounds out of my amp. but that's just my playing.........


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