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Chord names in key.

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What are the names of each chord in a major key? I know a few, but need the rest.

I- tonic
ii- ???
iii- ???
IV- sub-dominant
V- dominant
vi- ???
vii- ???

I know there are a mediant and submediant there, but not where.

Are there names for a minor key too?

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Eminent Member
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ii = supertonic
iii = mediant
vi = submediant
vii = *does not have a functional name* often simply referred to as 'the diminished chord' or 'the chord built on the leading tone', and it can be argued rather convincingly that the vii is nothing more than a rootless V.

However, in a minor key, the vii chord is called the 'subtonic'.

Illustrious Member
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the vii is often referred to as the subtonic. Some theory authors (like Tischler) don't draw a name distinction between a chord based on a note a half step vs. a full step below the tonic.

Those who do draw the distinction (like Piston) call the vii the subtonic if it's a full step below the tonic - to mirror the interval to the supertonic - and the one a half step below the 'leading tone', as in 'leading tone triad'.

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