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I'm taking a Fundamentals of Music class at my univeristy to help me learn some theory. Will the stuff I learn in this class be usefull on the guitar? I always heard you need to learn theory but I never know what it is actually used for. Any help is much appreciated.


Illustrious Member
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Music theory is the grammar of music. It is the fundamental building blocks of how music functions.
It is NOT rules like in a competition - theory is a common standard which allows musicians of all kinds and languages to communicate on a common level.

Learn theory and you can apply it to every instrument known to man - including guitar.

Theory also has different levels - if you just drive a car and don't consider how it moves, you're the person who won't get along with theory. If you look under the bonnet and say "Hey, so that's what gets this heap of metal rolling!", you've already made the first steps. If you, like me and one or two other notables on Gn, can't rest until you've read the manual AND learnt all about combustion, gear ratios, mechanical power consumption AND how to empty the ashtray - you're going to love theory.

I started with nothing - and I've still got most of it left.
Did you know that the word "gullible" is not in any dictionary?
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Reputable Member
Joined: 20 years ago
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One of the best things about learning the rules, is that you'll be better equipped to break them. 8)

check out my website for good recording/playing info
