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i've played trumpet for about 6 years, so i do know how to read music and your basic scales, but is there anywhere online thats free, where i could truely expand my knowledge for music, like i want to learn more, vertically and horizontally, ive been playin guitar for about 7 years, so, please dont offer me a site thats simply reading notations, or telling me what a triplet is, ect. i want to know more scales, chords, and how the chords are pulled from the scales, thanx for all your help.

Bach Rachs!
Music is like your woman... sometimes its a b*tch, but you would'nt trade it for the world.

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For finding individual chords and scale forms there's always
And for chord lookup, there's Howards:
But for the really good stuff, those complex connections, there's 2 options:

1. Read articles aimlessly, hoping to find something useful to you.
2. Get a teacher - Highly recommended.

Honestly, you have to treat all these websites and articles as purely supplemental, once you've reached a certain point you need a teacher who can see your playing, tell you what you need to work on, and increase your overall knowledge. You might also consider taking a class on music theory, or composition.

If both those things are out of your reach, for whatever reason, I would recommend learning songs that are out of your usual genre of playing. I've found learning elements of jazz and blues to be a great boon to my rock playing.

Good luck!

Do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life...
