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intro. . . need hel...
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intro. . . need help on where to go

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here is a little intro riff i wrote, but i don't know where to go next, what would sound good, or even what chords i'm playing. i was just messing around and came up with this.

any help would be appreciated. check it out at:

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Hey, you should look at a fretboard map and write down all of the notes you are playing. Then you can figure out how they all fit together by looking at some major scales and learning a bit about harmony. There are pleanty of free sites on the internet. This would explain why they sound good and how to know what else would sound good with them. Theres really no shortcuts, but the long way isnt really that bad haha. Im not good enough to just know all the notes by ear haha sorry.

"And above all, respond to all questions regarding a given song's tonal orientation in the following manner: Hell, it don't matter just kick it off!"
-Chris Thile

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I could imagine that being played in the back ground of an acustic guitar , while a sort of country rock was played .

just curious did you plug your guitar into your Pc to record this ?

Or another means

Hilch :?:

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

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the recording process was very high tech ;)

actually, i just bough a digital voice recorder that can hook up to the pc. i got it for my song writing stuff cause i've found that i think up a real cool melody, or guitar line, and either a: am not good enough to play it or b: don't have the means to remember it. so now i can sing my songs into it, or play my guitar into it, and have it recorded! :)
