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Music, Vocal Lines, Words - How to share credits?

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Hello. This is a question that probably a lot of people discussed about already but i think it's still an oopen topic

As everyone say music should be splitted 50/50 between music and lyrics. But what about vocal lines? Do you consider them part of music or lyrics?

I mean usually a song includes instrumentals + vocal melodies + words. How should we divide then music and words? For example: 25% instrumental, 25% vocal melodies, 50% words?

Don't you think that words already get a really big part of share and then we should include vocal lines inside it?

Besides how can we choose if a vocal melody is already part or not of the song and has been inspired by some instrumental parts? Then again when the vocal lines become just arrangement and not real songwriting?

For example...if you collaborate with someone that give you a tip about just the metric of a vocal line (not the melody) this arrangement or songwriting?

If someone tell you, change this part and you write a new part, should you credit him just cause he suggested you to change it?

And again about the crediting system. Just consider a song where you wrote all the instrumental side plus all the vocal lines and a co-writer just wrote the 1 line/part of the chorus vocal metrics (that is actually divided in 6 parts). Should we credit this co-writer or not?

Thx in advance.
