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Abusing acoustic strings

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 8184

Man, I hate it when I break a G string.

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Am I the only one out there who hates the elixers? they feel slimmy and make my fingers sweaty. :evil:

Illustrious Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 8184

Am I the only one out there who hates the elixers? they feel slimmy and make my fingers sweaty. :evil:

Nope, I hate them - it's like wearing a raincoat in the shower. :lol:

Reputable Member
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Posts: 329

A whole note bend at the first fret on an acoustic sounds like a pretty tough assignment for both the strings and your fingers. The string would end up being at quite a sharp angle to the nut wouldn't it (compared to the angle made by a bend lower down the neck)? If the nut has a nice crisp edge on the slot I would have thought that bends at those frets would be quite a high risk anyway. Or am I misunderstanding what you're doing?

My thoughts exactly. I would probably need vise grips, wrench and pliers to pull off a whole note bend at the first fret with a wound G. :lol:
I guess that's what you get for pushing paper for a living.


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A whole note bend at the first fret on an acoustic sounds like a pretty tough assignment for both the strings and your fingers. The string would end up being at quite a sharp angle to the nut wouldn't it (compared to the angle made by a bend lower down the neck)? If the nut has a nice crisp edge on the slot I would have thought that bends at those frets would be quite a high risk anyway. Or am I misunderstanding what you're doing?

My thoughts exactly. I would probably need vise grips, wrench and pliers to pull off a whole note bend at the first fret with a wound G. :lol:
I guess that's what you get for pushing paper for a living.


LOL, I was a auto tech for 25 years, I have strong tough hands. Use two fingers to bend there.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 7833

Man, I hate it when I break a G string.Everybody around me hates it when I break a G string.

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