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Ever watch a video of your favorite performer playing one of your favorite songs and wished the photographer would show what the guitarist is doing so you could learn the darn song??

But Nooooo! during the solo they show the drummer or the singer dancing around. :x

Anyway, I was checking out videos on YouTube and came across this old video of John Lee Hooker. He has always been one of my favorites. And wow, the photographer actually shows both hands in action.

Lots of folks here like the Blues, this is an excellent lesson on fingerpicked Blues in E. Just E7, A7, and B7. 8)

And while this video does not show his playing, at least it shows the lyrics. The guys who did these videos were alright.

George Thoroughgood used some of those lyrics in his cover of One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer, another John Lee Hooker song.

Sorry, got into John Lee Hooker today. :D

If you know something better than Rock and Roll, I'd like to hear it - Jerry Lee Lewis
