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My Tone Quest

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Not sure which forum this belongs in as it could go into two different ones, plus this one. I'm in the ever familiar quest for tone & setup. I've done some research and could do plenty more, but it's filled with opinions, contradicting statements and marketing hype. Very difficult to weed through. On top of that, I am looking for something that will be useful as I expand my way out of the ESD to more challenging guitar playing. I don't want to buy now and regret later.

My starting point? I currently own a Boss GT-6 and a Fender FM212R.
My Goal(s)? I want something really versitile that does not have that artificial or over-processed sound to it. I'm rather eclectic in my musical tastes. I also do not want a rack full of pedals.

I like the concept of a modeling amp. I also like the concept of a single-unit processor/multi-effects unit. It's just that the implementations that I've seen have not pleased me.

OK, so, some random questions.

#1: Is it true or false that I cannot get pure sound from my GT-6 through my FM212R? Having asked that, must I use a PA type speaker?

#2: Is the GT-6 outdated, or is it just a couple of usability features shy of the "current" technology?

#3: Do the Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and FM212R clean settings have the same tone and sound? (seriously. I tried the HRD and thought I could tell a big difference one time, and then another time not. Same guitar off the rack both times. 2nd time though, I was admittedly focused on a work problem.)

#4: Have the modelling amps gotten really good recently, or is there still a lot of room for improvement.

#5: I don't mind waiting. If what I want is available now, great. If it's too expensive, I'll wait a few more months. If the technology simply isn't there yet, I can wait some more. Having said all of that, is there a product out now that will give me the "real" sound that I want, or is it still too "processed" sounding.

#6: OK, so this is more of a current set-up question or problem. I get some bad inconsistencies with my set up. I switch from one patch to another and the volume is all across the board. Also, on any clean setting, I get a sound coming through that's hard to explain. It's like you can hear and feel 10X the power that is actually audible in the tone.

Alrighty. Thanks in advance for your time. I'm just trying to piece a ton of information together.

"I wonder if a composer ever intentionally composed a piece that was physically impossible to play and stuck it away to be found years later after his death, knowing it would forever drive perfectionist musicians crazy." - George Carlin
