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New Gibson SG (I kn...
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New Gibson SG (I know you guys like the pics!)

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Someone, please stop me! I'm out of control lately. I swear, this is my last purchase for a while. I don't feel so bad about this one though. It's for my son. He's outgrown his Fender Mini Strat. He's been playing this SG everytime we've gone into the store for the last year. At first, we were going to go with the Epiphone Les Paul standard in black because it was $200 cheaper. But after talking to the salesman for a while, I managed to get the SG for $500 down from $579. I didn't think he would go that low, and I kind of wish he hadn't. :roll: It made my decision much tougher.

Prominent Member
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Looks great, I love they way SGs look.

Honorable Member
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Nice guitar at a super price.Hope your son appreciates his dad. Looks like the same axe in Musicians friend for sale price of $579. This way you can take it in for warranty if ever needed, setups etc and feel good that you dealt locally.

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Aaaaargh.... :shock:

You evil torturer.... :twisted:

I've been hankering after one of those for a while, and have tucked away just enough for the Epi version..... I was thinking that maybe this week I'd slip down to the shop, and just, um... look.... :roll:

Unfortunately, the Gibson versions are massively more expensive here, and you have to pay a very large premium to get that magic name on the headstock. :( Someone Please tell me that the Epi ones sound almost as good.... pleeeease...

Congratulations though. I borrowed an Epi G400 (Vintage look) the other day and it was a delight to play. I'm sure that the Gibson is at least as good! :wink:




Prominent Member
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That's a beauty. You're son must be a very happy chappy. :D


I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time.
It was them that turned me to drink.

Famed Member
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Very nice guitar! :D
And very nice amps, too!

Noble Member
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That's a nice guitar Riff Raff. I've been itching for one for years, but I really can't justify it.


Vacate is the word...Vengance has no place on me or her...Cannot find a comfort in this world.

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Very nice. Your son is a lucky kid

Illustrious Member
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What a good Dad you are! :D


"The only way I know that guarantees no mistakes is not to play and that's simply not an option". David Hodge

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Will you adopt me??? :lol:

Very nice! Congrats to you and your son!

Love and Peace or Else,

Illustrious Member
Joined: 20 years ago
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Jealous - and $500 sounds like steal! An SG'd set you back almost twice as much in the UK......

:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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Dear Dad,
Hope all is well. I know its been a long time since we've seen each other and I'm hoping to get back home soon. I was thinking that it would be great if we could jam when I got home. Just like the good 'ol days. I know that because of the "accident" you may not remember us jamming, you probably do not remember me at all! But that's ok. Problem is, I don't have a guitar with me. So, I thought it would be nice if you sent one along to me now, so I could practice before I got home. I know that you want to treat your children EQUALLY. So, I'll forward an address for you to ship my new SG. Oh, btw...I need an amp too.

Your loving "other" son.

Sweet gear Riff Raff. Here's to you and your son enjoying many hours together. It's the BEST investment you could ever make!

Teamwork- A few harmless flakes working together can unleash an avalanche of destruction.

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Thanks, for all the nice comments!

This is the Faded SG that usually sells for $579. I've not tried an Epiphone SG. My son really preferred the faded look of the Gibson. His second choice was an LP. We tried out an Epi. standard and he was very happy with it. I decided to get him the SG because I knew it was his first choice and for the money, I think it is a great guitar. I'm hoping he keeps this one for a long time.


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Dear Dad,
Hope all is well. I know its been a long time since we've seen each other and I'm hoping to get back home soon. I was thinking that it would be great if we could jam when I got home. Just like the good 'ol days. I know that because of the "accident" you may not remember us jamming, you probably do not remember me at all! But that's ok. Problem is, I don't have a guitar with me. So, I thought it would be nice if you sent one along to me now, so I could practice before I got home. I know that you want to treat your children EQUALLY. So, I'll forward an address for you to ship my new SG. Oh, btw...I need an amp too.

Your loving "other" son.

Sweet gear Riff Raff. Here's to you and your son enjoying many hours together. It's the BEST investment you could ever make!

HA! It's bad enough that, when I got home, my wife says, "You need to spoil the other one too!" Well, fortunately the other one is only 6 so she hasn't GASsed for anything big YET! And then my wife says, "And what are you going to buy me!? " :?

Famed Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 3636

Nice guitar, my friend!!! :D


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