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Rock Concert: Something to share

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Once a year, the music school I attend organises a rock concernt to give all the students exposure to live performance. Those who are interested are grouped into bands (the school teaches drums, vocals, guitar, base, keyboard), who each perform a number. I didn't take part, but I went to watch and thought I'd share some stuff that inspired me.

There was this one young band. And I mean young. Aged 8-12. You'd expect that they'd be cute, but you'd be wrong. They played "Breaking The Law" by Judas Priest. And wow, I was blown away. They were really good. The lead guitarist, a ten year old, sang and played at the same mean feat. They even had some riffs and solos!!!

Then there was a guy who'd been playing for 5 1/2 years, who did a Steve Vai solo that was simply gobsmacking. I mean, completely sickly brilliant!! I wanted to cry (out of jealousy :lol: ).

Also amusing was that there were a few students with more expensive guitars than their tutors. Flying V's, Explorers, and more. I take comfort in the fact that they were usually not the better players...

Some really inspiring stuff. Man, I really do need to practice more.
