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Stacks/Cabinets/Heads questions!?

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Joined: 20 years ago
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Ok, so I was looking (way down the line) at maybe getting a head and cabinet, therefore a stack/halfstack. The only problem is that I know nothing about how wattage works between the two. I read that if you do something wrong you can blow speakers easily and whatnot, which would not be good.

Let's use an example, on I found a marshall head(100w) and a cabinet (300w handling) that came together, So how does this work? Is the 100watts dispersed throughout the 300 handling? Would it be possible to have a 300 watt head run through this cabinet??

Basically I was thinking about getting a cheap head like the new crate solid state one that is very small, (I forget the name) but I believe it to be 100 watts, what kind of cabinet(s) could I get for this?

Numerous questions, but I know you guys are good, thanks.

Thanks Dudes!
Keep on Rockin'

