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Action affecting play through amp??

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I have an electric acoustic guitar. I recently lowered the action on the guitar and when playing through an amp the sound is messed up. Would lowering the action have caused an issue here or is it likely to be an issue with the pre amp or something else?

Thanks for your help.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 20 years ago
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I'm assuming you have an under-saddle piezo pup (most common):

if you shaved the bridge saddle down to lower the action, then you may have messed up the seating of saddle on the under-bridge piezo pickup. the bottom of the saddle must be flat and making contact along the entire strip of the piezo element(s), or else some strings may be weak or completely dead (no sound). if some are working, but not others, you can first try tapping on saddle directly over (on) the strings that are affected. sometime this will seat everything and fix the issue. if that does not work, then remove the saddle, inspect down in the slot to make sure the piezo strip -- usually silverish in color, is positioned along the full length of the saddle slot. if not, it may have slipped out of position, in which case you will need to carefully pull it back across the bottom of the slot before re-installing the saddle. then tap the saddle to seat it and put the strings back on. if the piezo pup strip is already lying completely across the bottom of the saddle slot, then you may need to flatten and level the bottom of the saddle to ensure intimate contact with the piezo pup.

if you do not have a piezo under-saddle pup, then ignore the above and tell us what you do have.

-=tension & release=-
