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Dissected my Humbuc...
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Dissected my Humbucker

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Hello all. I own a Yamaha RGx 420 and it has dual humbuckers with 5-way selector (meaning its coil-split).

After a small tweezer accident, my neck humbucker started giving weak signal but worked fine when in coil-split mode. I, trying to be Mr. DIY (i always screw up every guitar i own but i somehow manage to salvage each one on my own, albeit loads of sweat) opened up my humbucker. Meaning i even took out the taping. Now, as a result, the wires (4-conductor) connected to the each individual coils have come out, and i have no idea how to put them back in and make them work. What i've read on the net is that its fairly simple. I can solder, but i'm not sure whether i must solder those wires onto the coil.

I would really appreciate some technical help on this subject (circuit wise, everything is in place tho).
If all else fails, i'll just wait till end of the year to get a new set of pick-ups but i would really prefer to DIY myself first.
