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How to paint a guitar

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1st off never sand it to the wood.


sand it even with around 160 grit.
if u have dings, sand then with 80 grit (not the whole body, just around and in the ding) ,then fill it with bondo (automotive filler) apply the bondo alittle bit higher than the surface level.
sand the bondow with a hand or electrive sander ( this makes shure that the surface will be smooth and even and use around 160 -220 grit)

once its all even use a 220-260 grit then 360ish grit then wet sand with 400.
clean it with a tack-cloth
prime it with sandable primper (you can tell by the time it takes to dry, sandable primer takes about 15-30 minutes)

let the primer cure for about 2 days


using a spray gun makes it look better than spray paint

first put a very light base coat of the color you want ( you should still be able to see a little bit of primer)
let it sit for 15 minutes (so its tacky)
paint a little bit heavier coat ( not to thick) so that you cant see the color of the primer.

let that sit for another 2 days (waiting longer lets the paint cure better and gives a better tone quality)

now paint your last coat (still not to thick or you could get runs in the paint)
the paint needs to be flat though so dont paint it to glossy (flat= doesnt reflect much light, glossy= reflects alot of light)
let it sit for a day

if you are freking out that the paint is really flat and ugly then calm down and keep reading

1 can of glossy clear spray paint,and about 2 cans of just clear (1 will work but it wont be as durable)

spray 1-3 coats of the clear gloss paint (15 minutes between each, recomended 2 coats)

let them cure for one FULL day.

apply 4-10 coats of the clear (regular clear not glossy clear) (2 hours between each coat)

after the last clear coat wait 2 days (i waited only 1 day and the paint wasnt dried long enough and it scratched easily, just my opinion, wait longer)


-after you clean it with the tack-cloth, try not to touch it, the hand oils could screw up the paint
-clean everything extreamly well
-remove all oils and greases from were you are painting
-if u can paint in doors, so that debris and bugs dont get into your paint (trust me, it happends)
-the longer you let it cure ,the better
-take your time, dont rush
-dont use any laqures. they dont mix well with enamals
-be shure you know how to use a paint gun and how to reduce paints
-dont get mad when you screw up, no one is perfect!

if sorry if i spelled anything wrong! PM if u have any questions
