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Cream- White Room
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Cream- White Room

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Posts: 2811
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Another in my series of Clapton covers. I'll change bands soon guys, don't worry ;). But, they say do what your good at , and right now that happens to be blues rock...
Like the subject says, this is a cover of Cream's White room. I'm playing lead guitar (the wah wah)...Also, before the first bridge, I'm doing the rhythm. I would do the rhythm threw the whole thing, but the guy who made the backing track put rhythm guitar so that the player can do the fun stuff ;).

And boy is it fun. Had a blast doing this one, only took me two tries to get what I wanted..It's great because everything except the main rhythm part is all improvised stuff, so its really a blast to play. (Unlike layla, where getting the timing down for all the different guitar parts was a real pain in the) So, anyways. I'm aware that I go off key for about a second or two in one spot, but other than that I was very happy with it... The only thing I'm not to pleased with was that I couldn't do the other parts, like the bridge parts, because they were on the Backing Track..

Anyways! Like always, very welcoming of constructive criticism. Thanks very much for taking the time to listen to it (I know it can be a bore without singing ). And let me know what to improve on.

Click Lo Fi


Click Lo Fi

P.S. This was my 1000th post! yay!

Posted : 14/11/2004 7:33 am
Posts: 736
Prominent Member

Hey man. Whats up. I liked the notes you played. They were good. It fit well enough. There were two things about it though, it needs to be mixed a little bit in my opinion. Just a bit of eq (dont ask me what because i have really no idea) and something else maybe. Also the wah, it was ok, it sounded too much like you were using the back most setting and foremost setting, I like it to be in between. Other than that it was great. I also missed the vocals from the song but whatever.

aka Izabella

Posted : 18/11/2004 9:57 pm
Posts: 2811
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thanks for the input, the mixing your absolutly right... The first verse part, the rhythm I mean sounds very out of place, its a bit to loud... I agree completly with that...

And yes, I'm rather new to the wah pedal, I'll hafta work on that. Thanks for the suggestions bud, I know it was a pleasure to give 'em ;)

Posted : 18/11/2004 10:00 pm
Posts: 2811
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I need help! :(

I've decided to try out singing for this song, and see what you all think of it... Very tough for me to post it, in more ways then one. The first, being that its embarassing, as I have a terrible, terrible voice.

The second, and this is what I truly need help with (we can work on the first problem once this is solved) is that I simply CAN'T post it. soundclick and dmusic both won't let me, I've tried hundreds of times. I simply get this error page

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The file isn't to large. I've tried restarting my computer, deleting temporary internet files, I don't have a firewall on. I'm using windows xp, version 6.0 on IE...

The file will some times come as close to 96% completed, and then that page comes up. I'm not getting a response from soundclick forums (For the past 3 days, I'm very pissed at them). I'm in a very bad mood.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks a Bunch


Posted : 07/12/2004 2:46 am