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Need drum tracks for your recordings?

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Do you need drum tracks for your recordings?
Can't find the right drummer or won't settle for programmed drums?

I'm an Online Session drummer and I record professional drum tracks for bands and musicians looking to take their songs to the next level.

You send me an mp3 of your track and I record the drums in my studio.
You can have as much or as little input as you like. I can copy exact midi drum parts, you can tell me what band/drummer you want the drums to sound like or I can use my experience to create drum tracks that elevate your songs.
You receive a free no-obligation demo, so if you like the drum tracks you can buy them, if not, simply walk away.

For clear and concise info on how it works and to see my competitive introductory offers visit:

Cheers, get in touch with any questions,

Posted : 14/06/2011 6:37 pm