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I dare say that Reaganville is the first guitar novel. It will be available from PublishAmerica in a few days to a week.

500 years before Spike Spikeman's time, a native people placed a curse on the conquistadors and their descendents. Centuries later the curse darkens Spike's life because he trades in guitars made by the progeny of these very natives in Paracho, Michoacan, Mexico.

Reaganville is northeast of Fresno, California. It is an enclave of conspicuous consumption, white flight, and evangelical materialism and where Spike raises his son. It is a red pocket in a blue state where the ghosts of The Grapes of Wrath mingle with the hopes of Mexican farm workers in the Tule fog.

Spike is Everyman of The baby Boomer Generation. As his life spins out of control, is it actually the curse of the Poison Guitar or the sickness of the American Dynamic Individual that so pollutes his family life and sends him onto Internet dating services to eventually meet The Slut for Jesus who is intent on converting him?

Drifting between poetry and prose, Reaganville is sad and hilarious, setting bigots of the left and right into a ballet of brilliant stupidity so common to American life, and Bumpersticker Man has a message for the bigots of the right and an “at Wal-Mart” for a “Jesus Saves.”

Larry Cooperman is a well-known composer of classical guitar music. He is also the editor of the guitar magazine New Millennium Guitar.

He attended California Institute of the Arts on full scholarship and received the first MFA as a composer/performer. His music is known as highly original and poetic. Now read the prose of his first novel.

Posted : 01/10/2007 2:15 pm