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Songs & Sandwiches - David Hodge & Friends Live CD

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Hello to all!

We spent the better part of the end of 2007 putting together Songs & Sandwiches - David Hodge and Friends Live at the Monterey General Store, a CD of live performances, taken from various shows at the Monterey General Store. Ten original songs - seven of mine, two from SSG stalwart Kathy Reichert (who also contributes two lead vocal performances) and one from another GN Forum regular (and local Berkshire singer/songwriter) John ("the Celt") Roche - grace the disc and a wonderful cast of friends - Kathy, Karen Berger (piano), Greg ("gnease") Nease (guitar), Jim Martin, Helena Bouchez, Will Curtiss (all on bass), Anne O'Neil (percussion) and Joel Schick (harmonica) - performs.

The CD sells for $15 (US) and I'm willing to ship it (free) to wherever in the world you happen to live. The plan is to use the proceeds from this CD to pay for a "real" studio album.

For more information on the CD (song listing, musician credits, etc.,) and also for information on how to order it, just go to the Songs & Sandwiches page at my website, the URL being here:

Or just email me at [email protected]. Or PM me through the Forum here at Guitar Noise.

And if you'd like to listen to some samples, three songs (Man in Black Blues, Margaret Has a Lover and Saturn's Moons) are featured on my page, which is here:

As always, thanks for listening. And my best wishes to everyone for a magical and musical 2008!


Posted : 14/01/2008 6:38 pm