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Starbuzzar - should...
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Starbuzzar - should I?

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Hey! I've been singing for a few months proffesionally, and am now looking for ways to get heard. I've just found this talent sharing network - Starbuzzar ( - and am thinking of uploading my music videos there! what do you think? Should I? Does the site look promising?

Posted : 03/06/2011 11:20 am
Posts: 4472

Nothing all that special here - it looks pretty much like the many (many, many) other sites like this that are already out there. If you're in any way serious about making it professionally, then you should already know that being on one single site isn't going to be the answer. You need to be on as many different ones as you can.

You also have to actively guide people to your music and do so in a manner that doesn't come across as spam-like (joining forums simply to direct the members already there to you instead of joining and being an active part in a community), so that they will hear your music and will then (hopefully) check in on you on a regular basis.

Hope this helps.


Posted : 03/06/2011 11:54 am