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AMP troubles. Any a...
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AMP troubles. Any advice?

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Hey guys.

i need help with my new amp......well bought used. The guy who I had bought the amp from took it to an amp store to get it ready for the sale. But today when I played it with my band, the sound would go from its normal sound to a quiet quiet sound. Then I would turn it on standby and then on again and then it would work, but only for 5 minutes.

if anyone could give me a push in the right direction, that would be cool. This week i am taking it in, but I just want to know what you guys would think, and if there is any remedy to this problem besides paying more money. I suspect the tubes need replacing, but i could be wrong, because im completely new to the tube world.


sorry for double post

Illustrious Member
Joined: 19 years ago
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sorry. I cant help, since Ive never heard of a problem like that.
a tech should have np problem.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 7833

Look here:

Click on the Tube Amp Debugging Page link.

Click on the "Low Volume, or Volume Drops Off" link.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine."

Illustrious Member
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You didn't say what brand and model your amp is, but my Marshall DSL401 had this exact problem. I found out later this is a very common problem with this particular amp.

In my case it was the bridge rectifier. This was damaged by overheating which is very common to this amp. This amp has four EL84 power tubes that generate a lot of heat. This will also cause solders to weaken.

In my case I took it in and had it repaired by a pro, cost about $170 but was well worth it, the amp sounds better than ever.

Many install a small fan in the back of these amps to draw out heat. I haven't done this, but probably should.

Here is an article about this problem.

Anyway, I am guessing here, not knowing what amp you have. But my amp exhibited the same exact problem, the volume would fade away. Sometimes it would come back in a few minutes, but usually I had to turn the amp off and back on again. Sometimes it would be good for hours, at other times the volume would fade away again in another few minutes. It began happening more frequently, so I took it in for repair.

Hope this helped.

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hey, thanks for replies.

its a peavey 5150.

it needed new tubes apparently. so i bought some new ones and installed them. i'll see next practise if it works. if it doesn't im gonna take it in to the shop.

Famed Member
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Power tubes or pre-amp tubes?

If it's the power tubes, you need to bias your amp.
