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Hey, you guys since I've only been playing for about a month I'd like to know alittle about amps. I had it perfect to play Hurt but then I changed it to play Smoke on the Water and then again for another song. Is their any way to keep it average, just where I can play any song. Or do I just have to constantly play until I finally get it right?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
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Hi GhostDJR!

It's up to you really. Some people are fanatical about tone and won't be satisfied until they match the exact tone on their favorite recordings. And some (like me) are not so picky about it.

Find a tone that you really love and use it for everything if that's what you like. Lot's of famous artists do this. You could always recognize Jimi Hendrix by his tone. Carlos Santana seems to use the same tone all the time.

And some use lots of different tones. If you listen to Eric Clapton over the years, he used a wide variety of tones.

So, there is no right or wrong to this. Just try to find tones that move you. When you find that "perfect" tone that really turns you on, the guitar almost seems to play itself. :D

If you know something better than Rock and Roll, I'd like to hear it - Jerry Lee Lewis
