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Speaker Stacking
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Speaker Stacking

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Ok here is a I guess a new post from my other post. I now run (2) 18" and (2) 12" per side. My only problem is that I used to stack the subs and then the main on top... well now I have another main, I thought about stacking the second main on top of the first making this really impressive tall tower. Problem..............most stages are 2 flat bed trailers. meaning when a band gets kicking they get rockin. Speaker will most likely come crashing down. There is no room to put it beside main 1 on the sub they are two wide. I thought about down stacking them with one main on top of each sub but then I can not get my mains over the heads of the crowd unless they are sitting down or the stage is really high. I'm open for suggestions on what I could do. Oh using pole mounts and down stacking is out of the question.. That just looks tacky.....LOL :? :D

I wish I could fly them on trusses but that is money wasted becaus I will hardly ever use them due to the fact I don't own lighting (YET) :lol:

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How high is the stage?
You said flatbed trailers, what I picture is semi trailers. That's about 4 feet off the ground, right?

If that's the case. I might try to put the subs on the ground, and the mid/high boxes on the stage.
If you want the highs a bit above the crowd's head, stack 'em on top of a road case, tipped on it's side.
Sort of like this (far right side):

Only with the cases on the stage. (I wish I could have found a picture that illustrated my point better)

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well ur right about 4' off the ground, but i like the WOW factor. I like impressive looking along with great sounding. I am impartial (SP/USAGE) to keeping everything by everyting, i don't think I like the idea of subs on ground and speakers on trailer... I like it all on the stage because it creats a "look" is the best way I can describe it.
I'm also lookig for in general. something I can do all the time...

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