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2 Posts
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Posts: 5
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Hello! I am a 28 year old guy.

Brief Intro: Bought a guitar after listening to Pink Floyd's albums, The Wall and Dark Side of the Moon when I was 16 years of age (My fav band of all time, along with Radiohead). Played guitar for a good 8 years or so. Never really got to a good level though as I was self taught and my learning was random (off the internet and learning riffs/solos/songs from tabs etc). I felt there were many holes in my foundation and basics of music theory and guitar technique.

Cut a long story short, life got in the way, and also got a little frustrated as I wasn't getting to the level I wanted to be even though sometimes I practiced up to 6 to 8 hours a day. Anywho haven't picked up a guitar for a good 4 odd years.

But contemplating getting back into it and following a systematic training schedule to achieve my musical goals and dreams! I thought it would be a good idea to a join a guitar community for helping each other out and keeping motivated!

Here is a link of my cover of the final solo from Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb from back in the day!:


Posted : 05/06/2013 5:54 pm
Posts: 3636
Famed Member

Welcome to the Forum.

Lots of people go through what you have. Keep after it and the rewards will come to you.


"I play live as playing dead is harder than it sounds!"

Posted : 26/06/2013 3:06 am