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Need opinion on Electric Guitar

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I'm learning on a martin Dm acoustic guitar. I want to get a good sounding electric guitar. I want to play classic southern rock and roll like Lynyrd Skynyrd, and hard rock like Hendrix, Pink Floyd. anybody got a suggestion. I dont know much about electric gutars yet. Thanks

Posted : 13/02/2006 5:12 am
Posts: 8184
Illustrious Member

You can get a Fender Standard Strat or a Squier Strat depending upon your price range.

Posted : 13/02/2006 5:45 am
Posts: 3636
Famed Member

Welcome to GN, smith88.

Your question is a toughy as it becomes very subjective.

First with electric, they will all sound very similar unplugged. :wink:

What makes them all unique is the design of the guitar. You have strings sizes, pickup styles and configurations that all make up the sound. Then to hear them properly you need amplification. That will also alter the sound you hear from the guitar.

Your best bet is to hit some music shops and look at the guitars offered. Usually by appearance or brand you'll get drawn towards ones that you like. You need to sit down and play them to get the feel of the guitar as well as the sound it will deliver. You'll want to plug them into an amplifier to get their personalities to show. This then will bring up the question about amplification. Now you've got two separate entities that need to equal your expectations of the sound you are looking for with an electric guitar.

Then on top of all that, are guitar modelling and effects devices you can add to alter the sound even further.

When you find YOUR sound or something you like or can identify with, that should be the direction you pursue.

There any many other factors to take into consideration. These, to me, are just the most obvious.

Good luck in your guitar search.

Usually the dominating factors that land you somewhere close to your desired sound will ultimately be budget. How much can you or are you willing to spend?

That's where most of us "non-professionals" draw the limits.


"I play live as playing dead is harder than it sounds!"

Posted : 13/02/2006 11:30 am
Posts: 4113
Famed Member

Welcome to GN, i agree fully with what Bish said.
The type of music you refered too covers a lot of ground depending on the tone you want the most.
several of those mentioned would be easier to duplicate with a strat type SSS config where others you mentioned would be easier to produce with a LP or dual humbucker set up.
amps are very important too as are effects.
as Bish stated tho you will most probably be guided by your budget more than anything.


Posted : 13/02/2006 12:18 pm
Posts: 8184
Illustrious Member

Oh , i forgot to say welcome.

And probably this thread lies under 'Guitar Players Discussion'.

Posted : 13/02/2006 12:57 pm
Posts: 5044
Illustrious Member

Welcome to GN smith88! :D

Looking at the bands you listed as styles of music you'd like to play, I'd suggest starting with the Fender or Squire Stratocaster, and also the Telecasters. Also, as stated, you'll need a good amp too. Don't know what your looking to spend, but the Fender Hot Rod Deluxe would be something to campare to. Good luck!


"The only way I know that guarantees no mistakes is not to play and that's simply not an option". David Hodge

Posted : 13/02/2006 2:13 pm