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First Jam

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New Member

Okay, so i got my amp, i got my guitar.

I got an old friend who's a drummer.

And now were gonna jam

No bass players or anything, just him an me.

So what kinda stuff would you recommend, i can pretty much play anything written down in front of me.

He played alot when he was younger, and i'm not sure how his playing is lately.

I've never played with a metronome, i've only had to play to my own rhythm, so much entertainment to come from that.

If theres any activities, any advice, i dont want to tread on his toes and vice a versa.

I guess were probably going to be playing rock music, from Pink Floyd to Led Zep to Elton John to Red Hot CHillis...

Were the usual "were gonna b the best mutha hubbarding band in the world" type deal, so any info to start us off would be great, and you know im gonna wear guitar noise t-shirts to our wembly gigs!

Rock on!


Posted : 31/08/2003 11:24 pm
Posts: 2118
Noble Member

And who'll be singin'?

Start simple and work your way up.

Have Fun!

Whaddyamean no bassist?  Sheesh!


Posted : 01/09/2003 1:04 am
Posts: 8184
Illustrious Member

the most important thing when other players come over to jam is for someone to lead the group.
and the second is to tell everyone to "comp" with whomever is leading or trying something new.
comp= compliment......thats how you get something started.i'm 52 years old and my nephew is 18.
listen to our inventing new material at:

we just run a recorder and jam one take only and move on to the next sound or cords.....have fun

Posted : 02/09/2003 1:14 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

we rocked!

thats all there is to say!

watch out for our Cd in stores soon!

Were called "We blow goats and dont brush our teeth!"

sweet dreams


Posted : 05/09/2003 11:39 pm