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Last minute gig

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I haven't played any of my band's songs since our last show on May 28th. I've been working more on blues and learning classic rock covers. Got asked yesterday if we could fill in an empty spot on Wednesday night for a band that self-destructed. Just got back from our only practice session before Wednesday and it felt good to knock the rust off. I had forgotten a couple of our newest songs, but once I quit thinking about it, my fingers just knew what to play. We dusted off one of our old songs that we dropped from our set list a long time ago because it just didn't fit us. We spiced up the guitar part and I simplified my bass line up a bit and suddenly we liked it again. It will be making an appearance in the set Wednesday night. This will also be our first set with no covers at all.

Bass player for Undercover

Posted : 19/07/2010 1:39 am
Posts: 3995
Famed Member

Those are great news! :D

Posted : 19/07/2010 8:04 am
Posts: 5480
Illustrious Member

Awesome. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

"I wonder if a composer ever intentionally composed a piece that was physically impossible to play and stuck it away to be found years later after his death, knowing it would forever drive perfectionist musicians crazy." - George Carlin

Posted : 19/07/2010 8:20 am
Posts: 1704
Noble Member

How'd it go JW?

Teamwork- A few harmless flakes working together can unleash an avalanche of destruction.

Posted : 20/07/2010 5:43 pm
Posts: 1435
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How'd it go JW?

Played last night. Definitely a weird gig and definitely our last weekday gig, unless we know the bands we are playing with. The original bill was 4 heavy metal bands and one of them broke up and someone asked us to fill in. We're not metal, but we were doing a favor for a friend. Yesterday, we find out that the other 3 bands backed out of the show for unknown reasons (maybe they didn't want to get upstaged by us :D ). The venue was scrambling looking for replacements. I headed down there last night not knowing if we were the only people playing or not. Get there and there's actually a bit of a crowd. Turns out, there's not just one band, but 6. :shock: And they all look about my oldest son's age (18). He and a friend of his was with me and I joked that we should have them set up all our gear so the crowd wouldn't know it was a bunch of 30-40 year olds getting ready to play.

We were hoping to play 2nd and get out of there, but we got the wonderful 5th spot. The 1st was just a lone guy w/ an acoustic. The next 3 were pop punk like Green Day and Blink 182. We figured they would all split or hang outside while we played. We finally went on about 10:30. I was surprised, but 2 of the bands were right in front of the stage and the band after us watched too. We had a few people with us, but the crowd was pretty light. We started playing and they got into and were singing along when our singer stuck the mic out to them. By our last song, we had the only mosh pit of the night going and had several people yelling "one more" when we finished. So we obliged and played The Misfits' We Are 138 and they all went nuts. We didn't even have to sing it, everyone was moshing and singing.

We had fun, but it's tough being old, playing a show at 10:30 and then getting up for work the next day. Speaking of which, I'm about to be late for work.

Bass player for Undercover

Posted : 22/07/2010 11:07 am
Posts: 1704
Noble Member

Yeah man. The old guys bringing down the house. Old school style! :lol: Playing with many other bands can be fun but on a week night, I hear ya. Makes it difficult going to work the next day. I'm surprised people are still listening to the Misfits. I used to know a few of those guys. Worked with the drummer in the carpenter's union. They used to practice in a garage a few blocks from one of my old girlfriend's house.

It sounds like you guy had fun and did a great job. Did the club owner ask you back? Or are you not considering to play there again?

Teamwork- A few harmless flakes working together can unleash an avalanche of destruction.

Posted : 22/07/2010 7:21 pm
Posts: 1435
Noble Member
Topic starter

Yeah man. The old guys bringing down the house. Old school style! :lol: Playing with many other bands can be fun but on a week night, I hear ya. Makes it difficult going to work the next day. I'm surprised people are still listening to the Misfits. I used to know a few of those guys. Worked with the drummer in the carpenter's union. They used to practice in a garage a few blocks from one of my old girlfriend's house.

It sounds like you guy had fun and did a great job. Did the club owner ask you back? Or are you not considering to play there again?

It's our favorite place to play, that's why we stuck with it instead of backing out when the other bands did. The owner called us the next day and asked us to play on Sept 19 with The Independents, who are a legendary horror punk band. They used to be managed and produced by Joey Ramone. We also have a big show booked there on Sept 25. Our singer is a local TV show host who does the horror host thing and he has an annual Horror Hootenanny every year.

Bass player for Undercover

Posted : 24/07/2010 12:41 am