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The 8th Annual Lima...
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The 8th Annual Lima Classic

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Posts: 1409
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Hi everyone... I'm not sure where to post this, so I'll start here and the let the myserious "moderators" move at their will.

For anyone located in the New England-ish area (I'm in Connecticut) I wanted to let you know about a golf tournament that I run every year to benefit the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp (Paul Newman's charity). This year will mark the 8th annual Lima Classic.

It will be held on July 22nd this year in Central Connecticut. It is a fun tournament (a scramble) and I usually arrange the teams myself (to avoid "sandbaggers" and also to help out those people who may not know others in the tournament).

Anyway... just thought I'd throw it out to y'all since the tournament is for my friends and family... and to quote a line from Happy Gilmour, "only one of you will become my colleague, but you are all now my friends."

The tournament usually has between 70 and 100 golfers and we raise over $1500 a year (or more!) for the charity.

My golf tournament's website --->

The charity website --->

Ok, thanks for reading. Talk to you soon!

-=- Steve

"If the moon were made of ribs, would you eat it?"

Posted : 24/04/2006 12:33 pm