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USA Get Ready For Spotify!

4 Posts
3 Users
Posts: 2241
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I had to get on here to post this, just caught the announcement.

Us Europeans have been enjoying the benefits of Spotify for some time. It's a bit like radio, on your computer, but you choose the playlist. You can pay or have a free account. Free accounts have occasional adverts. Less (in my experience) if you like the esoteric stuff. They constantly update their archives of music, and the artists get paid, like radio, a royalty based on how often their music gets played, paid for by subscriptions and adverts.

They have a ridiculous archive, really esoteric stuff, really obscure stuff. I spent my first few weeks searching for the most random stuff I could think of. Rarely did I fail to find something. I could search "All The Thing You Are" a jazz standard, and get hundreds, thousands even, of different versions. Want the 306 different live versions in recorded existence of Muddy Waters performing Hoochie Coochie Man? Got it*. Know the album name, but not the track? Album searches work, too. Want to search by record label? Hmmm, I wonder what Bluenote records have put out that I haven't heard yet? Done.

Oh, this thing is glorious. And you can even get it for your iPhone/Android phone (paid accs only, last time I checked).

Anyway, Spotify wasn't available in the US as the major labels wouldn't sign up for it there until it was "proven" as a good product. Well now they're signing up! This also means that we Europeans might even get the latest Miley Cyrus album as the major labels begin to play ball. But we will suffer that injustice for the sake of all of you ex-communicated, estranged, fleeing your home-continent heathens. And I mean that nicely. :wink: Enjoy! (I hope)

We Europeans will now sit back and bask in the infinite coolest of having got there first. Take that, you iPod wielding, rocket launching, silicon-toting scoundrels. 8) :wink:

*That stat is made up by me. But is indiciative of some of my surprise finds.

Ra Er Ga.

Ninjazz have SuperChops.

Posted : 20/01/2011 1:07 am
Posts: 2241
Famed Member
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Ra Er Ga.

Ninjazz have SuperChops.

Posted : 20/01/2011 1:07 am
Posts: 10264
Illustrious Member

I didn't even know about it - I think Darth Ordinary mentioned it in passing once, but I never really followed it up. I've been using Pandora quite a lot....yeah I know, it's not supposed to be available outside the USA, but there's an easy fix for that. PM me if you want to know how.....

:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

Posted : 20/01/2011 1:33 am
Posts: 197
Reputable Member

I can vouch for spotify - use it loads and have a load of stuff on playlist that I dont have on physical media. Yes, the free one suffers a bit with audio quality/time restrictions but for finding an artist for a trial listen or just having on in the background like a programmable radio (albeit with occasional ads) its great - recommend it. And you can share playlists on facebook etc.

Gordon Smith GS1.5-40 Marshall VS65R

Posted : 22/01/2011 12:20 pm