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Avant-Garde Techniques

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Honorable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
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I'm really getting into experimental rock and would like to know any techniques I can use other than efx pedals to get a real spacey sounds from my guitar.

Stuff like Sonic Youth, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Ataxia, Tool, Boris, Deftones, and Nine Inch Nails.

Anything helps, thanks!

"That’s what takes place when a song is written: You see something that isn’t there. Then you use your instrument to find it."
- John Frusciante

Illustrious Member
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Use a slide to explore the upper regions over the pups -- will sound different with various pups settings as the slide moves past active pups. Do this with and without overdrive/distortion, with and without delay (echo). Try it will a wah-wah. Many possibilities in this.

Instead of fretting normally, use a fingernail (similar to a slide) to play notes. This will produce percussive notes (sharp attack, fast decay, no sustain).

Pull notes instead of picking. I mean grab the string and snap them. Learn to slap notes on guitar (just as on a bass).

Got a whammy bar? Pull notes and listen to the trem-gargle. Play a chord and smack the whammy bar or bend the bar and let it go.

Learn to dance your picking fingers all over the fret board. This is sort of a random or chaotic tapping technique. Try it with and without muting the strings with the fretting hand.

so much to try ...

-=tension & release=-

Honorable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 525
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Thanks, just the kind of stuff I was looking for!

"That’s what takes place when a song is written: You see something that isn’t there. Then you use your instrument to find it."
- John Frusciante
