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Learning from those less skilled/experienced .. or Way More!

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There is a new band in our area. Not that this place is a hotbed of talent, we are very rural so it doesn't take a lot to get by. In our wait/quest for our/a drummer (We have yet to make up our mind what one we are doing) my daughter told me about her friend's, friend's band and how they saw them on New Years Eve. She said "Daddy, you guys have to get out there. You are way better than these guys are!" They have had steady gigs since that night. I checked out their web page. They indeed are none too good. So why do they work on a regular basis? Time for ThunderFingers and TR to take a road trip! We couldn't go the night they were closer by with no cover so unfortunately we had to drive over an hour and pay $3 a piece to evaluate what they are doing. Yes, they had 2 gigs this weekend! :shock:

Here is the review:

They are young ...... early to middle 20's I would say

Lower quality and less equipment than we have by a lot

I don't think the singer was that good ... hard to tell with him eating and cupping the mic, very distorted

They would make a mistake and anounce it, stating "We suck!"

The singer constantly "F Bombed" Threw the mic on the floor after anouncing "I have to P*$S!"

Lots of time noodling and messing around between songs

Was trying to figure what guitar player was the lead ... turns out it was neither

Both guitars played mostly the same chords (few exceptions) the bass droned on root notes

Tried to play the Beatles happy birthday song for someone when they didn't know it (Not even close)

Played 20 minutes then took a 30 minute break

No lights

So they must have done something well ....... right?

The drummer kept good time and was actually pretty good

Their set list was 60's 70's and 80's .... songs people want to hear

They played at a nice volume

Bottom line:

They are gigging and I am playing in my garage

We learned, or should I say confirmed all the thing were already concious not to do

I don't mean to bust on these kids. They are learning and obviously putting forth some effort practicing as they were reasonably tight.

The bar is low here ....... it is high also. There are some professional calliber bands that have been playing around here for ever. The best of them since the 60's, they sing like birds and are very good on multiple instruments. I also suspect they don't come cheap. :lol: They don't play alot either. Just when they feel like it.

Any thoughts or comments?

Oh ..... here is what they sound like by the way.

Here is the most professional band in the area in contrast. The drummer is their old drummer sitting in, the guy on keys plays drums now.

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My first thought...... Grab that drummer they had and start gigging!!!!

Paul B

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:lol: My son's thought too. I think they are a group of friends that decided to start a band. Wouldn't touch that.

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well TR not sure exactly what to say. I know you are itching to get out there so I think you just have to do it. I'm not sure what the comparisons to another band mean.

I know you can play as well as them or better but it doesn't take virtuoso's to play out and make decent music.

There are alot of guys in the band and being young they probably still have a big network of friends to come out and see them. To a bar that's what it's all about the draw and the bar making money.

I didn't really get a good read on the singer but he didn't sound that bad.

As long as you have good music that the customers like and you can get a good draw you'll be getting gigs, but even if your Eric Clapton if no one shows up it doesn't matter how good you are the bar isn't going to ask you back.

Why don't you try Craigslist or hit some open Mic's and try and find a drummer, from my little experience you'd probably be wasting your time waiting for the other drummer to get right and you'll end up replacing him sooner or later anyway.

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There are alot of guys in the band and being young they probably still have a big network of friends to come out and see them. To a bar that's what it's all about the draw and the bar making money.
You know, that might be it. :? As far as the comparison part goes though, I guess I just wanted to prove to myself I wouldn't be the worst band out there. Oh, and please ..... play as well or better? We could shred these kids if we were half in the bag. Hey! With our drummer Tommy, the 3 of us can drink as much beer as all of their friends put together. I know it! :lol:

Oh, and thank you for your response Chris. Sometimes you need somebody to just tell you what you already know and or state the obvious. :mrgreen:

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First off this is only my warped thinking so obviously if you think I am full of it I don't have a problem, I probably am.

TR didn't mean to offend you about the as good or better but my point is being a better player isn't really the point, the point is to make music that people want to hear and have good time doing it. Skill is part of the equation but not the only factor.

You have to figure out what type of venues and crowd you want to play for. Playing a bunch of classic rock for the most part means you probably won't be playing to a 20 something crowd so no sense trying to get booked to a club that caters to that age.

Personally I think the singer is the most important piece of the group, although finding a good one is very difficult, been there done that, they are the ones fronting the band and at the end of the day that's what most people are going to remember. If you are killing songs but have a singer that's not that great that's the level your music will be at, not that great. You can hide a weak musician somewhat but you can't hide a weak singer.

I always thought the music we were playing wouldn't really go over that great in a bar either. I know some of them would but we didn't play the type of music that necessarily gets everyone up and dancing and that's what brings in the money getting people dancing and getting thirsty. But that's all part of knowing the venues and what audience you are playing to.

You and TF are definitely capable of playing out you just have to put the pieces together, the only thing holding you guys back is you!.....In the words of Nike...Just do it!!!! so we can see the videos

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Oh, no offense taken. Don't worry about that. The venue is the thing. This was a sports bar and there were older people there. But! ...... They were playing old music. I think the singer has an OK voice but the night we saw him he was totally eating and distorting the mic. The point there is it didn't seem to bother anyone ... well, cept us. :lol: The main radio station around here is a classic rock one. Most of our set list is off that station so I think that part would do OK. We would just need to mix in the dancable songs. Coincidentally they are easy to play. We like heavy stuff but you'lld be suprised at some of the stuff we mess with. Rick James Super Freak ..... Lou Reed Take a Walk on the Wild Side .... ect. Yeah .. we need to just do it. You are right.

"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard,
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You definitely wouldn't be the worst band out there that I can be sure of. I think everyone goes through some sort of self doubt..not saying you doubt your ability cuz I know you don't but sometimes you need the reassurance.

I will tell you we had 2 extremes in the band. The guitar player that passed away was by far the best musician in the group and besides some of the issues he had with playing out he was a perfectionist and was always afraid we'd mess up or something and never wanted to play out. Our bass player on the other hand was the exact opposite. It didn't bother him one way or another. He's been going to the open mocs for a couple years now and I can't tell you how many train wrecks (most he caused) he's been a part of and it never seems to phase him one way or the other. He kind of laughs it off and keeps going back. I have to give him some credit for that, personally I would be too ashamed after some of those but he has thicker skin than I do.

But I'd have to say it probably has helped him with a stage prescence and just being comfortable being on stage. Of course there isn't much pressure or audience at an open mic like a regular gig.

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My two cents: in any field there are those who are "good" and those who are "good enough". Oddly enough, the bigger success stories usually come from the 'good enough' group.

Being really good at something means spending a lot of time honing your craft. Being good enough doesn't take as much time investment... which frees up time for other stuff - like marketing.

I've got a friend who's a music professor. He's got a jazz group with three other highly educated musicians. They gig frequently. I also know one of his students. He's a college undergrad who plays decent, but not stellar, piano. He also gigs frequently with is own group (a trio) - also playing jazz.

Knowing both players, I can tell you:

1. The professor has been working hard at his craft longer than the student has been alive.
2. The student earns, on average, about five times as much as the professor per gig.
3. The younger player puts in a LOT more time networking to meet folks who might hire him at his asking price.

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NoteBoat just explained better than anyone why Lada Gaga makes more money than Eric Johnson. Musicianship != Success. Success is a popularity game as much as anything else, and tastes are subjective.

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This is exactly the type of conversation I had hoped to inspire. I didn't want to come off as a jerk picking on some kids cause they have something I don't right now. I wanted to analyze what leads to succesful gigging. I might add, if these guys learn a little professionalism, they will certainly learn to play better and aquire more/better gear with time, they might just have something. A lot of the things I noticed they did wrong are easy to fix. Get a set list, stick to it and move smoothly from one song to the next. Don't play your instrument unless it is part of the song. Play more than 20 minutes before taking a break. Don't anounce your mistakes to the crowd. They didn't notice it. Swearing does not make you sound cool.

I do want to go on the record that I am in no way a super technical guy nor do I thinkI am that good. I like to play by feel although I may at times be fast and loud but we all know that doesn't equal good by any means.

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Think Cnev and Note hit it right off the bat.

It's about the money to the bars, so if the kids can get their friends to come and drink, then they will get booked.

I'll be honest, I didn't care for the group, I wouldn't go back to see them, the singer who I think is the most important as well, was way off key to me. It looked like a garage band (which isn't really a bad thing, didn't Metallica start out that way?) but was very thin on everything, and it just seemed that the music collided with each other.

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that clip was awful.

lady gaga has immense amounts of talent, regardless of whether you like her.

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OK, so what is considered good up here? I give you ... Double Axel. The drummer is their old drummer so maybe a little rust. The guy on keys owns the local music store (since the 70's), he is their current drummer, and the guitar player works at the music store. A little opposite end of the spectrum for comparison.

"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard,
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Hmm that's definitely better than what you posted before they aren't bad.

But if that's the best in your area you need to get your butt out there. I didn't think those guys were anything special. Hard to really critique from one song and I didn't listen to the whole thing. Vocals didn't do much for me though. Playing seemed OK.

Here are a couple videos from a local band from Central CT that I think are pretty good. I won't say they are the best in the area especially since they are relatively new but they are definitely good and put on a good show. There's just waaay to many bands for me to even know a small fraction of them. But I've seen these guys and I'd have to say this is the type of band I like to see. Good musicians, good vocals, some stage least they don't just stand around like logs.


Woman from Tokyo

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"It's all about stickin it to the man!"
It's a long way to the top if you want to rock n roll!

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