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settling for one style?

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 20 years ago
Posts: 10264

Somewhere down the line, you WILL settle on one style of playing - but it'll be a composite of ALL the various genres you listen to and play. You'll use all the parts you like, throw out the parts you're not keen on, and in the end it'll sound like YOU. Your style, your taste, your quirks and idiosyncracies. That's the day we ALL look forward to!

:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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Al I also sense that you are questioning you skills abit (just a guess) I wouldn't worry about it your still fairly young and you are a solid player now, the rest will come.

I'm older than you and started much later in life and when I first started I thought that if I got to where I'm at now I'd be happy but I'm far from it. I mean I play regularly with the same guys, we have plenty of songs down and I think we sound pretty good and have alot of fun playing BUT, this also causes alot of self doubt.

The more I've been playing and the more I see other musicians/guitarists I really tend to get down a bit on myself. I still can't rip off blistering solo's whether or not they were memorized or improved' and it seems every guitar player that I have run across lately seems to be great at it.

I've been trying to work on the soloing skills more, but like you with a job and family and everything else (like learning new songs with the band) I don't spend enough time on it. I'm not sure if it will ever come but I can't see myself playing "rhythm" guitar forever it just doesn't do it for me.

"It's all about stickin it to the man!"
It's a long way to the top if you want to rock n roll!

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The goal posts are always moving arent they. when i started all i wanted to be able to do was strum along to some songs on the radio using open chords. A few weeks later I wanted to play barre chords, a few more weeks later and i wanted to do or know something else, and that process hasnt stopped, nor has the feeling of being a complete beginner as i realise there are so many things i cannot do.

i doubt any of us will ever be satisfied with how good we are, especially, like you say, whenever we look at youtube, or see some other guitarisit in a band, they always seem to be better than we currently are :oops:

sometimes i feel really down about it, as i put a lot of work into practice, which is difficult with a young family, but most of the time I try not to think about it like that, and just think about what i will be able to do in 10 years (which is a lot more than now hopefully). On top of that, it is great fun isnt it? :D

"I like to play that guitar. I have to stare at it while I'm playing it because I'm not very good at playing it."
Noel Gallagher (who took the words right out of my mouth)

Noble Member
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<...>Does anybody else find that your skills progress in all styles even when you're just focusing on one thing?<...>

Playing other instruments helps, listening to other kinds of music helps, playing other styles helps, doing anything else musical helps. We are the sum total of our musical experiences.

And no TV definitely helps.

I quit watching TV in the mid 1980s. No antenna, no cable, no satellite, and in my fringe area that means no TV. Disclaimer: Leilani and I do watch a Netflix movie once or twice a week. Mostly non-blockbusters and movies that don't appear in your local Blockbuster store, many music oriented disks, and other things we find interesting.

Instead of watching TV I:

  • Learned to write aftermarket styles for the auto-accompaniment program, Band-in-a-Box

  • Learned HTML and wrote 2 websites and

  • Learned to run a mail-order and later Internet business

  • Learned to play wind synthesizer and emulate other instruments well enough to fool people who play those instruments

  • Taught myself lead guitar and play it on stage to the amazement of my guitar player friends. They wonder how I learned it so quickly. Well I put in 2-4 hours a day, already knew barre chords, played bass a long time ago, and took the knowledge from the other 6 instruments I already play along for the ride.

  • Read a number of interesting books (mostly non-fiction)

  • Spent a lot of quality time interacting with my wife (note: watching TV together is not interacting).
  • To sum it up.

    I would rather live my life by doing things than to live my life vicariously by watching actors pretending to do things.

    Of course, this is my life, and this is my way of living it. It's the best way for me, but might not be the best way for anyone else. But it is my life and I choose to live it the way I want.

    Insights and incites by Notes

    Bob "Notes" Norton

    Owner, Norton Music Add-on Styles for Band-in-a-Box and Microsoft SongSmith

    The Sophisticats >^. .^< >^. .^<

    Famed Member
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    Posts: 3709

    Too bad there isn't a TV show about a guy like you for us to watch. :lol: You are absolutely right. We should do things instead of being couch potatos. Live life, don't watch it sail by.

    "Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard,
    grow big, wear glasses if you need 'em."
    -- The Webb Wilder Credo --

    Famed Member
    Joined: 18 years ago
    Posts: 3995

    I would rather live my life by doing things than to live my life vicariously by watching actors pretending to do things.
    Notes, I agree with you! Practically I never watch the TV: too many interesting thing for spending in that way.

    Noble Member
    Joined: 16 years ago
    Posts: 1497

    Too bad there isn't a TV show about a guy like you for us to watch. :lol: <...>

    Thanks. I loved that line :-D


    Bob "Notes" Norton

    Owner, Norton Music Add-on Styles for Band-in-a-Box and Microsoft SongSmith

    The Sophisticats >^. .^< >^. .^<

    Famed Member
    Joined: 17 years ago
    Posts: 3709


    "Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard,
    grow big, wear glasses if you need 'em."
    -- The Webb Wilder Credo --

    Famed Member
    Joined: 21 years ago
    Posts: 4459

    Man TR I missed that one the first time I read it but I'm LMAO now..classic!

    "It's all about stickin it to the man!"
    It's a long way to the top if you want to rock n roll!

    Illustrious Member
    Joined: 20 years ago
    Posts: 10264

    There's a lot of rubbish on TV these days, but on the other hand in the last few weeks I've watched concerts by the Who, the Stones, Queen, Paul Rodgers and Queen, Bowie, Hendrix, The Sex Pistols, The Specials and Roxy Music - and that's before I even count the documentaries I've watched on various musical genres. On top of which, the sound from the TV (through the surround sound system) is so crisp and clear that I take advantage of the various radio stations available through Digital Broadcasting to listen to oldies or a specialist rock station. And a lot of the time I'll practise guitar by playing along with various songs. So TV CAN be good for you!!!!

    :D :D :D


    "Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

    Reputable Member
    Joined: 16 years ago
    Posts: 270

    There's a lot of rubbish on TV these days, but on the other hand in the last few weeks I've watched concerts by the Who, the Stones, Queen, Paul Rodgers and Queen, Bowie, Hendrix, The Sex Pistols, The Specials and Roxy Music - and that's before I even count the documentaries I've watched on various musical genres. On top of which, the sound from the TV (through the surround sound system) is so crisp and clear that I take advantage of the various radio stations available through Digital Broadcasting to listen to oldies or a specialist rock station. And a lot of the time I'll practise guitar by playing along with various songs. So TV CAN be good for you!!!!

    :D :D :D


    Hear Hear!

    David Watts
    Takamine G-Series - £229
    Fender STD American Telecaster (Cola Red) - £849
    Vox 15watt AMP (Valve pre amp) - £129
    Acoustic/Electric Rhythm and Lead (Occasionally) Southport Elim Youth Band
    Former Aftershock 24/7 Rhythm Guitarist (Band split)

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