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Live Earth

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Anyone watch this? I saw most of the United States performances.

Roger Waters stole the show, in my opinion. Putting all biased aside, I think he surprised a lot of people that never even heard of the guy. He sent such a buzz throughout the audience. Great setlist too. And hey, he brought the pig and it was great when those kids were singing Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 with him.

I'm very disapointed with The Police. The performances was just so, what's the word I want, sour, I guess. It was just so subpar. The Smashing Pumpkins were awful. Some of the stuff I've heard from them in the past was pretty good. But damn they were awful. And that guitarists version of the Star Spangled Banner was just gross. The crowd clearly disliked it too.

John Mayer was damn good. Great modern blues player. Alicia Keys was sensational. And her performance with Keith Urban was great too (they covered a Rolling Stones song, "Gimme Shelter")

Dave Matthews Band was great (and I dislike this band...but damn they had good vibes goin today). Bon Jovi wasn't bad either.

Overall it was pretty damn good, from what I watched.

But putting aside the music, I really hope the message gets out. We need to stop this climate change. We have to. It might not bother a lot of people on this board. But what about your kids? Or your grand children? The ice caps are rapidly melting because the ozone layer is being eaten way.

Use fluorescent light bulbs in your home, even if you just use one. If your short on cash, well, it'll save you cash. Your electric bill may go down a couple of bucks because of them. And you'll let out that much less waste into the air.

Just think, if everyone replaced three regular lights in their home with a fluorescent light, we'd really slow down the progress of global warming. I could go on, but I won't, haha.

Lets do this. Stop climate change. :D

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I'm not sure exactly where I stand on the global warming thing, despite being a political science student I'm not fond of this issue, but the music was good. I really enjoyed Keith Urban, Paulo Nutini, John Mayer, K.T. Tunstall, and many more. I didn't see a whole lot of it, but what I saw I liked.


Vacate is the word...Vengance has no place on me or her...Cannot find a comfort in this world.

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interesting take on the subject,
the whole thing kinda reminds me of the joke about the fat guy who orders a 12 course meal and a diet coke thinking it will help.
btw, i bought a package of 15 of those new florescent screw in type bulbs that are "supposed" to last 5 years and only one of them has lasted over 3 months.
P.T. Barnum would make a killing on todays "activists"

"It's an inconvenient truth, but mixing rock with recycling is awkward. In a TV interview earlier this week, Matt Bellamy of the band Muse mocked the event as "private jets for climate change."

John Buckley of Carbon Footprint, an organization that helps companies reduce their carbon dioxide emissions, said Saturday that Live Earth will produce about 74,500 tons of the gas.

"We would have to plant 100,000 trees to offset the effect of Live Earth," he said, speaking by telephone. But, he added, "if you can reach 2 billion people and raise awareness, that's pretty fantastic.""


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100,000 trees, well, I think he's exaggerating a bit there. Obviously a lot of power was used, but it'll be worth it in the long run, because the message was sent.

As for global warming; it's not really say "global warming". Yea, yea, it is getting hotter, but climate change is probably a better term. I'll start from the top. Think of your sprays in the bathroom, your wifes hairspray, your inhailer, it uses CFCs. CFCs float out into the air, and the carbon from the CFC takes an Oxygen off of O3. O3 is ozone. It protects the earth from lethal rays from the sun, so if one of the oxygens is taken away, what good is 02? Nothing.

With the ozone layer being destroyed, the ice caps are starting to melt. Why the ice caps? Because of earth's gravity poles, the ozone layer opens up at the ice caps, letting teh sun to fly throguh in there with ease, melting the ice caps at a rapid pace. That's why flooding could become a problem in teh future.

With cars and electricity, Carbon dioxide is being released into the air. It's creating a greenhouse type effect which again, creates a hotter earth.

But a hotter earth doesn't always mean hotter weather, there might be a lot more rain, a lot more hurricanes. Put it this way, a lot more whacky weather. That's why climate change is probably the better term.

My science teacher was real passionate about this, but I looked up some of the stuff myself to make sure she wasn't all biased about it.

Well hopefully that educates you guys a bit. This subject is kind of like evolution. Everyone knows the name, but not a lot of people know what it actually is.

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I think we should go solar energy.

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How much carbon based energy did they use putting on the concert? I recently went to a festival where all the energy used for the shows was solar.

Illustrious Member
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I think we should go solar energy.

And wind power :D

My Youtube Page

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the CO2 created to fly all these "stars" on their private jets dwarfs the power used to run the show.


Illustrious Member
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I wonder - playing Devil's Advocate here - how many trees were chopped down to make the guitars we all own? And how many trees were chopped down to publicise the Live Earth concert? Column inches - pamphlets - posters......

Trees are a renewable resource, however - but I wonder how many acres of rainforest have been cleared to provide grazing pasture for the cows slaughtered by the likes of Mac's and Burger King? And how much has been replanted? Think about that one next time you're scoffing a big Mac or a Whopper....I'll do my bit by boycotting them completely, like I have done for a couple of years.

:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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Think about that one next time you're scoffing a big Mac or a Whopper....I'll do my bit by boycotting them completely, like I have done for a couple of years.

:D :D :D


I've been boycotting McDonald's for over 2 years now. Not because of any of the good reasons you gave, but due to the fact that the last meal I ate there made me sicker than I'd ever been in my entire life. Seriously. I had one of their breakfast sandwiches and later on that day got very sick. For two days I was throwing up every 20 minutes. It was awful. What was worse was that this was a day before Thanksgiving, so I was too sick to travel home and be with my family (and obviously too sick to eat).

I'm still eating Burger King, though...until I get sick from that.

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I watched only part of the event, mainly non American concerts. I didn't watch every musician or band but I want to emphasize three participants.

First, John Butler Trio (Sidney): I never heard them and I liked very much. Tomorrow I'll try to buy some CD. :D

Second, Blues Nation (Washington): the Spanish guys which are commenting the concerts made a lot of comments on the band creating a great expectation. After the participation, they and I thought the same: Ok but there are a lot of bands better in the world. I added: Of course, my GN's mates! ;)

Third, Enrique Iglesias (Hamburg). Considering his father, Julio, is a bore and by genetical inheritance he received the same quality I really didn't undertand how he finnished over the German people in the first line! :shock:

On the other hand:
the CO2 created to fly all these "stars" on their private jets dwarfs the power used to run the show.

I'd like to know how many bulbs sell Philips after the concert and also how many liters of water or petrol, pieces of paper, etc. will be saved...

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deleted comments that could be construed as political or not musical. - taso

Famed Member
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deleted comments that could be construed as political or not musical. - taso

That's great. You didn't start the fire... :twisted:

Illustrious Member
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deleted comments that could be construed as political or not musical. - taso

That's great. You didn't start the fire... :twisted:

lmao, keep it in the other thread Rahul.

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