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Totally Guitar : The Definitive Guide

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Title: Totally Guitar : The Definitive Guide
Authors: Tony Bacon and Dave Hunter
Number of pages: 608
Price: 35$ (CAN)

This book is a must have for every guitar player or anybody who loves guitar!

Here's a little description of it¸by chapter

1. Sound and construction: "essential ingredients that determine the sonic characteristics and playing feel of the world's most popular guitars" (description of all king of guitar - classical, steel-string flat tops, archtop acoustic, archtop electric, solidbody electric, semi-acoustic, piezo-magnetic hybrids)

2. Amps and effect: "A look under de hood of the gear that shapes your sound" (caracteristic and description of MANY amps)

3. Maintenance: "A guide to care, cleaning, set-up, repair, and minor customization of your guitar" (many exemples for every kind of guitar, different tuning are proposed also)

4. Play guitar: "Take a taste of the ten most popular guitar styles - to find new inspiration for your own plying or an entirely new direction" (acoustic, rock and pop, blues, country, rock'n'roll, metal, latin, african, classical, jazz - there's a chord chart for every styles, the most popular chord of each style, MANY exercices (98 exercices for rock and pop only) covering different techniques as rythm, soloing, legato, sweeping, tapping, fingerpicking, etc)

5. Guitar manufacturers: "A unique illustrated directory with al the inside info on the great electric guitars and the stories of their development for 130 leading brands" (over 50 pages on Gibson, 40 pages on Fender, and 128 other brand, all illustrated - beautiful guitars :D )

So it's a nice complete guitar guide. There's exercice for beginner and for advenced players and it could help to learn other styles of music, techniques and new chords (I discovered the chord: F#m7add11 (x44200) and I really like that sound ! :wink: ). And it's a real pleasure for the eyes to see all those great guitar! (over 2000 photos)


" First time I heard the music
I thought it was my own
I could feel it in my heartbeat
I could feel it in my bones
... Blame it on the love of Rock'n'Roll! "

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